On the Horizon

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A/N: 26k views that fast?! Thank you guys so much! I hope you've enjoyed reading this story as much as I have writing it.

Btw, who has been your favorite character in this story? I'm genuinely curious. But anyways, on with the show!

The next two days were spent on either fixing the Tornado or patrolling the surrounding forest for another robot ambush. None of them knew how Eggman had found them in Knothole, but they couldn't risk anything that would slow down the progress on repairs.

   Those not on active patrolling duty assisted the three engineers with the heavy lifting. As Sonic hoisted a metal sheet over his shoulder, he casually started whistling a song he'd once heard at Cream's house. It wasn't long before Muttski was bobbing his head along with him.

   "Is that 'Heigh Ho' from Snow Bunny?" Knuckles grunted. The blue blur grinned, and the guardian rolled his eyes. "Of course, you'd know that song."

    "That's what happens when you have to chaperone play dates at Cream's house."

    "It wasn't a play date!" Tails denied from under the Tornado, "It was a Junior Sonic Heroes meeting, and you know it!"

    "Then why did Charmy bring juice boxes?"

  "There were juice boxes?!" Tails gaped, "How come I didn't get any?"

   At Sonic's nervous laugh, Tails rolled out from under the plane and glared up at him.

   "You drank all of them. Didn't you?"

  "I plead the fifth," Sonic replied while setting down the piece of metal.

    "That's just human law. You did drink them!" Tails accused.

   "Hey, man, I was thirsty. And those things were super tiny anyway."

   The fox kit groaned in exasperation and rolled himself back under the Tornado.

   "You owe me a juice box, Sonic!"

Sonic covered a hand to hide his laughter, but one look at Knuckles trying to do the same made him lose it completely.

"It's not funny, Sonic!" Tails' voice echoed, but the waver in his tone suggested he was trying not giggle himself.

Ten minutes later, Tails bolted in the last screw and ran a full diagnostic before pumping his fist in the air.

"Yes! We are good to go!"

"Awesome!" Sonic cheered and waved to the others, "Come on, everybody! Time to load up and head out!"

    Amy stuck two of her fingers between her lips and let out a sharp whistle, calling in Rouge and Shadow from patrol.

   "Time to move it, people!" she called.

  "Dude, finally," Manic breathed while wiping the sweat out of his bangs after he helped load the Tornado.

However, Cyrus wasn't quite as excited once everyone started loading on.

"Um, Tails? How are we supposed to take off without a runway?"

"That's a pretty decent question," Sonic echoed. The kit only grinned at them knowingly before flicking a switch Cyrus was fairly certain wasn't there before.

"I thought about that, and I did some reconfiguring of the power flow. I also made a few slight adjustments to the hull," he explained as the Tornado began lifting off the ground.

"Wait, did you install hover jets?!" Cyrus exclaimed, to which Tails smirked in a very Sonic-like way.

"How did you have time to do that?!"

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