CHAPTER I: It's feels like lady luck is on my side

Start from the beginning

Mai Ding wants to object at first because he was waiting for An Ziyan but he was pulled by the other man too quickly in leaving towards there.

As they have reached their destination, Mai Ding came to hear the girls' gossiping about something very interesting...

"Kyaa! He's really handsome just like An Ziyan!"

"Eeeh, How cool!"

"He's good-looking!"

Of course, the very interesting something is Kai Laohu, himself.

What they're saying: "How lucky Mai Ding could be?" Being surrounded by cool and handsome guys as friends is already an abundant blessing to a simple man like him.

"Mai Ding, I'm so happy to see you again!" Kai Laohu tells Mai Ding, smiling as always.

"What are you talking about?" Mai Ding would just reply with shyness.

" Uhmm, why are you here anyway?" the bespectacled inquired innocently for it was a coincidence to see this man in his own university.

"Ah, I was helping Mei Yun to pass his report to the lecturer. When he went to my apartment to play, that guy forgot about it there and right now, he caught the flu, that's why he needs to rest." Kai Laohu answered caringly.

He also tells that he was trying to visit Mei Yun but reprimanded by his cousin to not visit him at the dormitory anymore for he might catch it too.

"Mei Yun? You know Xiao Yang's roommate, who stays at Room 503 at the dorms?" Mai Ding believes that the name's familiar to him and began to remember it.

"Well, he is my cousin. So, yeah I definitely know him." Kai Laohu scratched his cheek and smiled.

"What a kind cousin, you are!" It didn't take long for Mai Ding to like Kai Laohu's as well.

'He's friendly, kind and childlike in a good way nothing like An Ziyan who is a bully, rude and always straight-faced....This person is well-mannered, indeed.' Mai Ding says sincerely in his mind.

While, in contrast Kai Laohu was over the moon for Mai Ding is talking freely to him.

'It's feels like lady luck is on my side', Kai Laohu thought to himself.


(Flashback scene after Prologue I: When Kai Laohu left Mai Ding on the street after getting the call from Hai er)

Seira Crest Modelling Agency: Main Office

"Why the hell is it my fault?" Feng Hai Yang then raised an eyebrow and stared at Kai Laohu sternly.

She was being blamed for interrupting Kai Laohu's roaming .

"It's because...I was so scared that I'll be hanged upside down again because you're mad." The man says softly after being scared with the older woman's face.

"You, dimwit...after the photo shoot, you just hurriedly went out not wearing normal clothes! Who the hell asked you to wander in the first place like that?' In addition you also forgot the meeting with the owner of Ye Kong."

Hai er exclaimed showing the nervous tension she is feeling.

"But I was so bored, I want to look around, and I'll be attending university for only a short while here, might as well spend my time merrily." Kai Laohu replied while twirling around with a swivel chair

"Don't you forget the reason you're here. It's for the launch of the newest collection of the illustrious clothing line here in China."

Hai er went on with her rants yet the man just only kept quiet on the side.

"I fell for someone already." The guy in stylish clothes replied straightforwardly to his manager.

"I beg your pardon?" Hai er began to get confuse because Kai Laohu didn't respond to her correctly.

"He's a guy." Kai Laohu suddenly says out of the blue.

He then turned his back around and moves towards the window gazing at the people walking and moving cars just below the building.

"You...fell for with what!?"

Feng Hai Yang is couldn't believe what she's hearing. This boy in front of him who is smiling has disclosed a peculiar issue to her.

"The one I like right now.... is a guy." Kai Laohu looks at Hai er with a smile enlightening her.

"Honestly, you're really a joker Kai Laohu."

Feng Hai Yang then shakes her head sideways and carried on with what she's doing in the office.

"I'm not; I'm telling the truth Hai er. If only you didn't bother us that time, then we can spend a lot more together."

Kai Laohu faced the desk and put hit with his palms making a loud sound and stand up.

After their meeting at the fashion show event she planned at her alma mater in Shanghai, she was in a panic for the previous model didn't arrived on time.

Luckily, she saw a male student who is laying around the benches that a bright idea came into mind.

Though, after creating a demigod fashion model "I'm not prejudiced about your sexual preference but I can't hide my surprise... that you're gay?"

Feng Hai Yang never thought that this Kai Laohu could be a 'curved'.

Kai Laohu replies that in love, things like gender have nothing do with it.

That's why he decided and declared to his manager:

"I'll profess my feelings after I've find him!" (FLASHBACK END)


{1} (this a folktale from China that I incorporated in this FF)

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