Chapter One

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Third Person POV

Lee know tossed and turned in his obscenely small bed that at this point he was too big for, he turned over to look at the small black clock on his night stand only making out the bright iridescent numbers that displayed on it. 4:24am. Lee know sighed knowing he wouldn't be able to sleep for another night and if he managed to there was no way he would be able to wake in the morning. Lee know pulled himself up and slid out of bed before slowly pulling on a black shirt and some grey sweatpants that obviously didn't match. He made his way to the front door being cautious of his parents sleeping in the room opposite, he quickly pulled on some shoes and a cap before swiftly making his way out the door.

The air was cold, and Lee know, only 5 minutes into his run, began to regret not bringing a jacket or at least a hoodie although he knew soon he'd become warmer from running. Only minutes later he paused to look at the sky, it was a blank slate. Not a star in sight, although Lee know thought he could see a couple for a second before taking a closer look and realising they were the flickering lights on planes. After a few seconds of rest he began to run again until he reached his favourite small coffee shop, the sign on the front read "the coffee house" not a very inventive name but the coffee was good nevertheless.

He walked through the glass doors, the aroma of fresh coffee beans hitting him as soon as he entered, to be met with him. Han Jisung. He was slightly swaying to the music playing in the café whilst starting to make a Drink. Lee know cleared his throat and wiped the sweat off his forehead before walking in. Lee know waited until Han was free to take his order like most nights around this time.

Han soon finished making the coffee and put a lid and cover on it before sliding it over to lee know and then smiling so bright you assume he'd just been given a puppy. Lee know looked down at the drink confused as he hadn't put his order in yet, he picked up the cup while still looking at Han who was now leaning his elbows on the counter and looking at him. Lee know brought the cup up to his eyes to read the name on the sleeve to ensure this is for him.

"Cutie <3" the cup read, lee know put the cup down and slid it back to Han as his face became more and more red by the second.

"This isn't mine" he said trying to keep a straight face and his voice low.

"Yes it is, i made it for you" Han said before smiling 'why does he have to smile at me like that' lee know thought to himself as Han grabbed lee knows hand and slid the paper coffee cup into it. Lee know rolled his eyes and slowly took sips from the hot drink before slowly sitting down on the stool next to the counter.

"Trouble sleeping?" Han said while grabbing his own coffee he hid behind the counter. Lee know avoided making eye contact afraid of becoming a flustered mess like before.

"Mm" Lee Know hummed with a slight nod before taking another sip of his drink. Han slowly became worried for the taller boy, this was the third night in a row he's been unable to get a full night's sleep.

"Caffeine won't help you know" Han said as he took one last drink from his coffee cup before throwing it away. Lee know rolled his eyes and looked up at Han who was now standing up straight. Lee know nodded and looked back down to his drink slowly tracing his finger around the ring of the cup.

"Cheer up!" Han said as he ruffled lee knows hair, lee know looked up surprised at the sudden contact, 'there it is, that stupid smile' lee know thought as he held eye contact with Han as he continued to play with his hair. Lee know sat for nothing more than a minute enjoying the feeling of Han's hands running through his hair as he looked up to see Hans intoxicating smile that made Lee Knows heart skip a beat every time it appeared on the younger's face, before coming back to reality and pushing his hand off his head.

Lee know cleared his throat as his face began to slowly heat up and stood up before pulling around ₩10,000 out of his pocket and placing it on the counter in front of Han as to pay for his coffee.

"You should ask before petting me next time, it's rude" lee know said with his back turned to Han as to hide his blushing face before running out with his now empty coffee cup in one hand and his other pulling out the phone to see the time is now 5:48am.

Notes <3 - 

Chapter One - 
Written By Ashh <3
(@AshHarper - AO3)

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