Chapter 5. Bad Trip

Start from the beginning

Ive only done Acid a handful of times myself. All of witch were low doses. Who knows what milligram he gave her. Ive never 'overdosed' on it but I'm not even sure if you can overdose on that stuff.

I ran with her all the way to wherever she was going. Merlin knows if she was left alone she would probably end up dead or asleep somewhere.

Oakley Potter-

I was practically hyperventilating. It was almost like my thoughts were running 100mph. And all the colors that are swirling around me, and it sounds like all the usual normal sounds you hear are enhanced. Like the birds are 10x louder, the Great Lake sounded loud like the ripples of whatever is in there, and the footsteps from behind me, and the music and people at the party. It was all so overwhelming. Its like Im having a sensory overload, or a panic attack or some form of extreme anxiety. All caused by a simple little tab.

"Oakley... are you alright?" I assume Malfoy had followed me up here and he decided to sit directly next to me.

I was so gone that I didn't care what I did, so I leaned my drowsy head onto his shoulder. He looks up at me and jus blinked, like he was thinking or something. "I feel like I'm going insane."

"Your just overthinking it, Acid does bad things to people." He said. I wonder what he thought of all this. And why he was acting so calm, he's never this nice to me like ever. Maybe its because he knows what I did.

"You don't need to stay up here with me, I'll be alright eventually." I inhaled and exhaled, I could feel my chest rising and falling.

"I can't just leave you alone like this Oakley"

"I can feel my heart beating, I dont like this Draco, I want it to stop." I leaned back onto the railing and slouched down. I jus sat here as my breathing intensified. I feel like my throats closing in.
What if he hates me?
What if Acid is addictive?
What if I overdose?
What happens if I pass out?
Will I just stay here?
Im growing up to fast.
Im already in my 4th year.

I can tell my thoughts are consuming me. Its like a train that never stops. Thought after thought. They jus keep rapidly coming at me as if its hitting me in the head.
What if-

And that was it. I was gone. Everything went black. And my head knocked over to the side, my shoulders leaning over with it.

Draco Malfoy-

I watched her lean back onto the railing. And she hasn't said a word since.

I jus stared off at the stars and occasionally looked over at her. I lift up my hand n placed it onto her wrist. For some reason I had the intrusive thought to make sure she still had a pulse. Of course I know she wasn't dead but I jus want the reassurance. 

"So Oakley, are you feeling any better?" I look back up at the stars waiting for a response. And after longing for 20 ish seconds with no response, I look back down at her and her eyes were shut and she was fully laid down on the floor.

I shook her a bit. No response, "Oakley!" I yell, "Oakley I swear"

I lift her up towards me and pat on her frantically.

I could feel the anxiety consume me. Ive watched my cousins overdose before, as a young child that's all I seen most of the time. So I had a feeling where this was going. And with her, theres no telling what'll happen to her.

I pick her up, bridal style. She was surprisingly light. I would guess she weighed no more than a hundred and ten pounds. Thats not good for a girl her age. This jus made my worry spike more.

After some time I got her back to the Slytherin Common room, I know which dorm room is hers I just pray theres no one in there yet, Id rather not deal with the explanation of this.

I lay her down, cover her up, I walked over to her dresser and searched for a school uniform. Of course we have classes tomorrow so shes going to need as much help as she can get. I folded it and put it on her nightstand.

And thats all I can think of too do to help really. She was out cold and she isn't gonna awake till morning.

I found a piece of paper and quill and started scribbling down,

"classes start at 10am, remember you have Potions first thing in the morning, then we have DADA afterwards.
  Good luck with your hangover,
You owe me big time Potter."


I put it on top of the clothes and left her to sleep. Hoping she wouldn't be sick in the morning.

As Cold Hearted As He Is~ D.MWhere stories live. Discover now