Sticky Hair

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You had an icepack on your head from having your head being banged to the ground. You cleaned out the dirt and grass from your mouth and nose. And bandages on your arms and knees from being dragged around. Unfortunately, your textbooks are going to be used as proof you used it to assault Jessica.

Ryuga had a black eye. He still had gum on his hair. He had lots of bruises around his neck from Melissa's attempts to strangle him. You were at least glad he's alive. And glad he can still speak properly, so now you both knew how bad Melissa is at fighting than picking fights.

Melissa has a broken arm from Ryuga's self defense. Her boyfriend has a broken leg from your self defense. Jessica is still knocked out from you shoving her head to the ground a little hard. And her back is also not doing well. And Nathan is god knows where.

'They saw it coming.' was all you could think of to justify knocking Jessica out and breaking Jordan's leg. You felt bad but it was necessary to escape their random torture.

You saw both your parents and the twins' parents walk in the office. And Mr. Wammy, Ryuga's caregiver at the orphanage. They looked at you all worried. But listened to the principal talk.

The principle went over all of our claims. The group made it sound like me and Ryuga chose to attack them together. We spoke what we remembered happening. What you didn't know was that your head was being banged on the ground and you were also being strangled from behind. Ryuga apparently saw what they did that but you didn't remember being strangled. Or at least you didn't feel it.

You looked at the group. Thinking they were just being stupid. But also felt guilty for knocking out Jessica and breaking Jordan's knee. You shouldn't have done it but you had to. Or rather you just did.

In the end, you were all suspended from school. Except for Ryuga because he doesn't go to school, he is homeschooled in the orphanage. You didn't care. You felt the girls glare at you. But they said nothing after they were told off for it by their mother in the office. They had a loving mother, so what was their deal? Your parents were proud of you for defending yourself. They're still worried about your bruises but proud overall. Instead of going to the bakery and arcade, you and Ryuga hung out at your house.

You and Ryuga went to your room. You laid on your bed while Ryuga searched your room for something.

"Do you have scissors anywhere?"

"Huh- Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" You said. "We do NOT have to cut your hair." You said.

"But, there's gum in my hair!" He cried out.

"Honey, I know a different way to remove that icky gum off your hair." You said. "I really don't want you to cut off your precious hair."

"Are you sure?"

You nodded as you grabbed vegetable oil from your closet.

"Why do you have vegetable oil in your closet?"

"In case another moron puts gum in my hair."

You gestured L to sit down on your chair like you would do at a salon.

"How would you like me to take care of your hair?"

"I just want that stinky, icky thing off me."

"Okay, okay." You paused. "Can you remove you remove your shirt before I add vegetable oil on your hair?"

"Wait, what?!? Why?"

"I'm sorry! I just don't want to accidentally spill oil on your plain white shirt!"

"Well... alright."

You watched as he took his shirt off. You couldn't help but blush at his shirtless appearance. You immediately looked away when L noticed your gaze. You poured a little vegetable oil on your fingers and scrubbed it on the gum in his hair.

𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝙜𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝙟𝚗𝚎-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 || 𝙻 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 Opowieści tętniące ÅŒyciem. Odkryj je teraz