You wandered out, humming the Daycare tune that played on repeat day and night.

Soon, you found yourself peaking into the room of Chica. Her curtains were mostly closed, but you could manage to see her rummaging through a trash bin.

It was full of uneaten pizza and other rubbish. It made you kind of queasy to see her devouring garbage.

You made a disgusted look and walked away from Chica's room.

The next room you skipped into was the arcade. The arcade machines were still on and making noises and tunes.

You got on your tippy toes and began playing a little 8-bit, Balloon Boy game.

You giggled as you pressed the buttons and supported your weight on your toes as you were too small to see the screen.

You made a new high score and clapped your hands together, congratulating yourself.


You jumped when you heard a familiar, boyish voice behind you.

You turned around and saw a boy your age. You recognized him. It was Gregory, your foster brother.

"G-Gregory!" You started panicking. Did he come to take you back to his house?

No! You couldn't leave. This was your home.

You started running away and Gregory started chasing after you.

"Y/n! Why are you running?"

You knew your way around the Pizzaplex more than Gregory did. He wasn't here as often as you were.

"Stop running away from me! I want to talk to you! I've been looking for you every day!" Gregory cried out.

When you arrived at the Daycare's big brown doors you turned around to catch a breath. Gregory stood in front of you, also out of breath.

"Don't take me back! This is my home, Gregory! Tell Mrs. Foster Mom that!" You exclaimed.

He shined his flashlight on you and said "Y-y/n, I thought you were dead..."

"Why'd you come here?" You asked.

"Because, everybody kept saying you died here! That you got killed! I-I just wanted to know for sure because you were the only person that ever talked to me at home..."



I cried softly in the corner of the living room, late at night.

Nobody liked me here. Nobody wanted to be my friend. I lost my Mama and Papa six months ago, and I have nobody now.

The nice social worker lady said I'll finally find happiness and comfort here at the foster home, but I haven't yet.

"Are you okay?" A small voice of a little girl spoke. I turned around, tears burning my brown eyes.

I quickly wiped them away when I realized it was a girl. I don't want a girl thinking I'm a wimp...

I got up and looked at her. She was a little smaller than me. I think she was the new girl.

"Y-yeah I am..." I replied, rubbing my arm nervously.

She walked into the kitchen and got on her tippy toes to get a glass from the cupboard. She poured tap water into her glass before making her way back to me.

"Are you sure? You were crying." She said.

I didn't respond. I didn't know how to.

Y/n seemed shy as well as she made her way up to me and said "I'm Y/n. Do you want to be friends?"

I smiled widely. "I'm Gregory. Y-you really wanna be friends with me?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm gonna be here for awhile. So, it wouldn't be bad to make a few friends."

Y/n held a Glamrock Chica plush in her arms. I pointed to it and said "My favorite is Freddy. Is Chica your favorite?"

She looked at her plush and smiled. I hadn't ever seen her smile before...

"Yeah... she's my favorite out of the band. But my ultimate favorite is Sundrop."

I saw a sparkle in her eyes when she mentioned the daycare attendant. I didn't go to the daycare a lot anymore since I feel I'm too old for it now.

"That's cool! S-so, Y/n, you wanna play this Freddy Fazbear themed card game I have?" I pulled out a deck of cards called Faz Cards.

I got them awhile ago, but I've never gotten a chance to play with somebody.




You remembered Gregory. Him out of all six kids was the only person you talked to now and then.

You didn't realize how much those little chit chats and games you played together meant so much to him.

Gregory smiled, happy to know you were alive.

"How often have you been coming to look for me?" You asked.

"Every day since you went missing. I looked everywhere for you. I ditched school in the day time to come here, and snuck out at night to sneak in before closing hours." Gregory replied.

You looked away from Gregory. Why was he going through such a hassle to search for you?

"I'm alive. But I'm not coming home. Don't tell anybody I'm here, Gregory." You said firmly.

"Why, Y/n? Why don't you want to come home?" Gregory asked, inching closer to you.

"This is home. I am home." I said, raising my arms out.

"Mom misses you-"

"She isn't my mom. My mommy is dead." You replied.

"Naughty boy, naughty boy..."

Uh oh.

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