Ch. 13. A few weeks later

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December 9, 7:00a.m.

It's been a couple weeks since Eric and I started dating. And he's amazing.

He brought me breakfast in bed yesterday. Eggs and bacon.

He can be a bit cheesy but it's adorable.

And he's such a gentleman. He holds the door, he insists on paying for everything, and holding everything, I can never carry anything when he's around.

He's just so perf-

Bam. Pain. In my nose. My eyes started watering. I stumbled back a bit.

"Earth to Hailey?" Hunter said from in front of me. "We're training remember?"

"Yeah yeah. I'm here I'm here." I said wiggling my nose a bit.

"Your body might be here but your mind is in the clouds."

"Where's your head?" Hunter asked.

"In the clouds apparently." I chuckled. I got in a fighting stance and nodded.

"Ready?" He asked. Doing the same.


I lunged at him, throwing a punch at his face. He blocked it and hit me in the gut. I faltered but only for a split second. I quickly squatted down, spun while sticking my leg out, trying to sweep his legs. He jumped over and I spun around again, planting the foot I tried to sweep him with and kicking towards his side with the other. That was dumb. I knew that. He grabbed my ankle and yanked it forward. Before I could even react his fist made contact with my nose, much harder then last time. I fell onto the training mat holding my nose. A drop of blood trickled down.

"What's up with you? I haven't beat you since we were 8." He said panting a bit.

"I thought we agreed that didn't count." I propped myself up on my elbows to look at him.

"When did we decide that."

I stared at him for a few seconds. "What we were 8."

"I don't remember that." He smiled at me.

"Of course you don't." I held up my hand and he grabbed it, pulling me up.

"You know I should tell people that." He looked off into the distance as if he was thinking.

"Nooooo no no no no." I held up my finger. "I have a reputation and you're not going to ruin it by telling people false information."

He started walking away and I fallowed. "It's not 'false information.'" He said with air quotes. "It's the truth you can't admit to yourself." He said smiling down at me.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes not wanting to continue the argument.

"Oh so the great Hailey Harper admits defeat! Everyone! Get out your phones! This is a historical moment people!" He yelled so everyone could hear. Heads started turning and I heard a few laughs.

I used my powers to push him over and he used his to keep himself from falling. He chuckled a bit.

"You're not funny." Even though I was fighting back a smile.

"Then why are you smiling huh?" He said with a smug look on his face.

"Shut up."

Just as we were about to head to the cafeteria for breakfast, I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist and pick me up. I yelped a little and laughed, knowing who it was.

As soon as Eric set me down I turned and threw my arms around his neck. Our lips met and I smiled into the kiss.

We pulled away but his hands stayed on my waist and mine on his shoulders.

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