Chapter 1. The Time Before

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March 5 2001,5A.M.

"Amber! Hazel! Get up!"

Ah yes, the day had started out like any other, with me shouting at my sisters. Trying to get them up as early as I crawled out of my hole(aka my bed). Although I rarely ever succeeded.

"Hailey no we're tired." Hazel, one of the Harper triplets whined at me and turned over in her bed. She was always beautiful, with wavy, natural white, almost silver hair and even at four she had the an amazing sense of style, well, amazing for 2001. We also had a brother Hunter, he had short, curly, light brown hair and a skinny body-even for a four year old- he was practically a guy version of me, in almost everything.

"But I'm not! And I wanna play!" I whisper-shouted at her, carful not to wake up anyone else in the house.

My other sister, Amber, a short, also skinny(must run in the genes✨) ten year old with dark brown wavy hair rolled over and looked at me from her bed. She sighed. "Come on, I'll play with you Hailey." Amber rolled out of bed onto her feet and went to the closet for the pool noodle Lightsabers.(they're just pool noddles that you cut in half and put duct tape on the bottom. You can make designs and stuff with the tape too. It's rlly fun, i have a few) I loved sword fighting.(Foreshadowing- ahem what?)

Amber was one of- no, THE nicest person on the face of the earth. She always loved helping people. Even back then.

We played in our large room with a bunk bed for me and Hazel and a twin for Amber for about 4 hours before mom called all the kids to wake up.

"Kids time to get up! Ethen! Get up please!" Ah Ethen. What memories i have with him. I use to love him, he actually cared about me back then. He was the best big brother a little girl could ask for. But events that are yet to happen at this point drove me to hate him more then anything. "Amber start on your chores please." We had a huge house so cleaning it took a while.

When I say huge I mean it, my dad was the CEO and founder of Harper Tec. a multi million dollar company. He started it straight out of college, Stanford, to be exact. It took him a good while to really start bringing money in but my mom stayed with him regardless. He finally found investors and the company took off. So you could say we were doing pretty good for ourselves at the time. "Hunter go get Hazel out of bed. Hailey would you check on Henry for me?" She was making breakfast for us in the very, very expensive white kitchen with so many cabinets and drawers I could never remember where anything went, though in my defense I was four.

It was summer so Ethen and Amber we're out of school.

"Sure mommy"

Henry, my baby brother was still sound asleep in his crib. I swear the house could be on fire and he would still be sleeping.

We hadn't done anything exciting this summer yet and it's already halfway through. You would think with all this money we'd be on a cruise ship or in Hawaii surfing the waves or building sandcastles. But no, we're stuck at home because dad had a last minute business thing. I never cared to pay attention whenever he was talking to us about work, I was just disappointed we would have to stay home... again.

Sometimes I look back and wish I would have spent more time with my dad, but if I'm being honest he was so caught up in work he rarely ever had time. But when he did, it was some of the best moments of my life.

All things considered I think I had a pretty good childhood.


Pt. 2 Time of Death

March 5,7:30P.M

I sat on the leather couch watching tv with my siblings -minus Henry- when I heard the door open and close, the footsteps that followed were slow, hesitating with each new step. I heard my dad talking to them and figured it was someone from his work, he had private meetings in his office often so I didn't think much of it.

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