His Hime?

"Here's the clothes for the shark boy." Deidara said announcing his presence back into the room. He plopped the bundle of clothing on top of Kisame, snickering as said man growled.

"Is Sakura awake?." Itachi asked, deep concern in his voice.

Sakura? Where had he heard that name from?....Sakura....Sakura...oh!

"The brat that killed Sasori?." He asked, the two In front of him snapped their heads in his direction, one with a smirk and the other with with an annoyed expression, surprised yet again that it was on Itachi's face.


"I'm surprised to see that you actually remember that." Deidara sniggered, then his face turned serious.
"Now, stop calling Hime a brat, or I'm going to punch all those pointy teeth out."

Kisame raised an eyebrow at that, would you look at that, Deidara actually defending a girl, someone who killed his partner.
Itachi, the one who had the disgruntled, annoyed expression on, gave him a mild glare.

"Please don't be bad mouthing my Dear heart." He said and Kisame was about to poke fun at him for defending a girl. One who could punch, his mouth already open to speak.
"She is the reason that you're breathing in oxygen once again. "

Kisame stopped short, his jaw dropping lower into a full on gape.
Say what, who now? It felt as if his brain had shut itself off because there was no way he was processing this properly.

"Ha! Look at him, close your mouth fish boy, you look stupid." Deidara goaded.
Kisame snapped out of his daze to give Deidara a glare before turning his attention on Itachi.

"Explain to me what the hell you mean by that." He demanded.
"How could a tiny girl-."


"Possibly bring back the dead."

Now Itachi knew Sakura shared the Jutsu with the others and she trusted the others as she grew to know them personally, he still was not going to betray her trust by telling her secrets,  she was his Dear Heart.
So he explained in the most briefest way he could, leaving out the most important details, if Sakura wanted, she would explain to Kisame personally.

"....Huh." Kisame muttered.
"So all this started because Pinkie and Sasori have the hots for each other, and by Hidan spilling all of our secrets."

"Pretty much sums it up." Deidara replied.

"Sums what up?." Shisui said entering the room, he slapped a peice of paper on Deidara's chest before he reached over to ruffle his younger cousin's hair. Kisame looked on in shock as Itachi merely huffed, batting away the man's hand from his hair. Said man Turned to him next.
"Huh, I never saw anyone with blue skin before."

"Well, let me introduce you to sharkie, Fish boy, this is Shisui, he's like the reincarnation of the Devil." Deidara ducked the swipe said devil aimed at his head, skipping backwards with a grin.


"My cousin. " Itachi murmured, letting said cousin wrap his arms around his shoulders.

Oh, then....

"Yup, I'm the first one Hime brought back." Shisui said with a grin.
"Now, I'm sure they must have already filled you in on what you needed to know. So The Hokage is on his way as we speak." He said sending Itachi a teasing grin.

Oh. Kisame thought watching The long haired man slap his cousin, a flush to his cheeks brighter than before. Kisame never saw Itachi blush like that
Now I really wanna see who the new Hokage is.

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