I felt my face heat up as he put his arm right next to my head on the wall, and took his other hand and held my waist. 

"Where were you! You nearly gave me a heartattaaaaaaaAAAA OH GOD IT'S INSIDE-" I pouted before I started trying to struggle against him.

He darted his head to the glass door, and then saw what I meant.

He then started laughing.

"It's not funny!" I pouted, still struggling against his grip.

"It's not even inside, it's just on the door~" he teased me, before ruffling my hair with the hand on my waist and let me go.

I quickly bolted to hug him, though.

He snickered. "Are you really that afraid of a little wasp?"

"ITS NOT LITTLE AND YES IM SCARED!" I shouted back at him, though it was muffled into his shoulder.

He sighed. "Alright alright I'll kill it for you." I let go of him, before freaking out again.

"WAIT WAIT WHAT IF IT STINGS YOU OR IT GETS INSIDE ORWHATIFIGETSTUNGANDDIEINSTANTLY-" I was cut off by him giving me a quick kiss, before chuckling.

"It won't sting me, and even if it does it doesn't really hurt-"

"YES IT DOES!" I pouted.

"Ok ok maybe a little, but it won't get in the house and it DEFINITELY won't instantly kill you if you got stung. If." He added the last part when I gave him a worried look.


I tried not to laugh as he screeched. I was inside with the dogs, while he was armed with a fly catcher(the thing you swing around) and wasp spray outside, having a 1v4.

A fifth one came running behind him and he whacked it, before running off and gappling. 

I watched as he sprayed the living hell out of the wasp using the wasp spray, before he realized he ran out, freaked, whacking them, and then ran towards the door shouting for me to open it. 

I did and let him in, immediately shutting it once he got in.

"THAT TURNED INTO A 1V5 WAY TOO QUICK FOR MY LIKING!" he laughed as he caught his breath.

Oh good, backup's here.

RekRap and Spoke were casually walked towards the front of the house, while the wasps were out back. 

As they came in Clown started yelling.

"Usually I'm fine with 1v5's but that was a WHOLE other opponent!" He told me before he panted, looking at Spoke and Rek, before giving a weak smile and hello.

"Your back! Great cause we kinda needed backup."

They looked at me, then Clown, then drew their swords, prepared for a fight.

"Where's the threat." Rek asked as Spoke started getting his shield out.

"I didn't think of that, probs would've been helpful with the 5 plus wasps out back." He gestured to Spoke's shield.

They tensed up.

"Yeah great, not what I expected when I got home." Spoke said as he put his sword and shield away, Rek doing the same.

"You said there were 5, right? There's no way their not calling in backup to help. We may need more people." Rek glanced over Clown's shoulder and out the glass door, where there were already 10 of them, then shuddered.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"But who?" I asked.

"I have an idea on who." Clown pulled out his communicator and started messaging the person, or people, that he was planning to call in for reinforcements.

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