Chapter 30

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Of all things Shay predicted Ari to say, that was not one of them. She felt hot all of a sudden, sweat forming a disgusting pool at the nape of her neck and her heart doing this weird somersault that made her feel like she was going to fall over and possibly die on the spot.

She loved Ari, of course- she always had. But in love was a whole different ballgame.

He was waiting for her to say something, but he didn't seem as bothered or impatient as she would have expected. He actually didn't seem much of anything. His expression was way too neutral for such a serious moment, and Shay wondered if he understood the actual magnitude of telling someone that you're in love with them. It wasn't exactly a regular Friday night conversation starter. Nevertheless, he declared it so plainly and straightforward, like he was telling her how much he enjoyed a movie he had just watched.

"Uh..." She trailed off, feeling dense and dumbfounded. Foraging her brain for the 'right' words to say in this unexpected situation was hopeless. The right words would be 'I love you, too' or 'I feel the same way' or something that would validate the words he had so easily poured out to her. But fuck, she had just now come around to the idea of dating. She thought she'd have at least a couple of months before she was put into a position like this.

"It's okay. You don't have to say it back right now." Ari said solemnly, his hand still enclosed around hers. "I'm not upset or anything. I've just been sitting on it for, like, six months and I wanted you to know so you can run for the hills if that's too much for you. Before we get too deep into this shit and all..."

Okay, he was way too calm about this. And way too understanding.

"You want to give me a chance to run for the hills after I just had the best sex of my life?" She asked, a cautious smile creeping across her lips.

"I mean, that does give me a couple points for you to stay. So..." He genuinely didn't seem shaken by the fact that she hadn't reciprocated his profession of love, one that she actually wasn't sure he even understood the significance of.

"Wait, six months?" She sought clarification, tilting her head. "We've only been having sex for two."

"Yup." He popped the 'p,' nodding his head like it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Give or take."

So Aristos had willingly taken on the friends with benefits label, even knowing at that point that he wanted something more. She didn't know if that was brave on his part, or just plain fucking stupid. Poor Ari had probably been clinging to that one little strand of hope that things would change. Or he was just taking what he could get, for which Shay couldn't fault him too much. The friends with benefits situation had been the key to dislodging her own feelings for him, after all, shoved deep beneath the surface sometime last year when she felt that first pang of jealousy toward his ex-girlfriend Stephanie.

Jeez, maybe she had liked him for longer than she originally thought.

"I think..." She started, staring down at their hands and then up to Ari's sweet face, patiently waiting and seemingly okay with whatever response she had to offer. "I've always loved you, Ari, and I think I'll learn to be in love with you, too."

He smiled with his eyes, wholesome and authentic, which lit her up inside. "I can accept that answer."

She kissed him softly, just once, before they stood up together and she smoothed the skirt of her dress. "So, do you want to keep this nap thing up until someone comes looking for us? Or would you rather go see if Scott saved any fireworks like he promised?"

Ari nodded eagerly. "I don't think I heard anyone come in, so... I'm sure he's still out there doing his thing. We can go out if you want."

Shay really fucking hoped everyone was still outside with Scott, because while they weren't having a wild fuck session, being quiet had kind of gone out the window toward the end there. Ari, on the other hand, didn't seem to be worried, slowly poking his head into the hallway before motioning for her to come with him. So at least they were safe from that humiliation. She heaved out a huge sigh of relief and weasled out into the hallway.

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