Chapter 29

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Tw: Sexual content

Ari's body was back on hers in an instant, feverishly spreading her thighs and establishing a locale for himself between them. For a minute, Shay thought he had forgotten all about the fact that he was fully nude with her, that he'd forgotten all about the teasing pace he'd gradually started building beforehand, but her hands running along the bare skin of his back seemed to spark his memory. He flinched like she had somehow burned him, yet the soft press of his lips on hers didn't hesitate.

Feeling daring and truly hoping to show him it wasn't nearly as bad as he presumed, she allowed her palms to trail up his sides and over his chest. His skin was velvety smooth, the curves of him only escalating her desire for him, the bursts of wet heat between her thighs serving as physical proof. His hands froze up a little in their place on her shoulders, but he maintained his actions. She wondered if he was using her mouth as a distraction at this point.

Regardless, he let her do it, and that meant more than most could understand.

Affectionately and tactfully, one hand brushed over the soft plane of his stomach, so lightly that he actually didn't respond at first and she figured maybe he didn't notice. But he did. He lifted one hand, reaching for hers like he was going to stop her, but with a careful consideration he dropped it back down into the mattress. Drawing in one long, slow breath through his nose, then heaving it out like it took every last bit of effort, he brought that same hand up to the side of her neck to kiss her deeper, more fiercely, just more. 

"Ari," She breathed against his lips, holding him close like he was to be treasured. "You feel so good. Your body is fucking gorgeous."

He let out a shaky, nearly breathless laugh. "I don't know about that." 

"Feel it," She dared, the hand over his stomach snaking down lower until she had a firm grasp on his thick erection, urging it toward her excessively aroused and oversaturated heat. "Feel how fucking hot I think you are, how bad I want you."

"Oh," He groaned quietly at the contact, his solid length now pressed against her so bluntly, an indication that he wanted her just as badly. "Jesus, Shay. How-"

He didn't finish his sentence, instead slowly sliding along the entirety of her, the slickness allowing him to glide so easily between her folds. The sloppy sounds of them coming together only fueled her, pulling him down harder. And the sensation- God, that sensation, and he wasn't even inside of her yet- nearly knocked all of the air from her lungs, quick gasps taking over her mostly steady breathing. His touches grew softer as she started falling apart, his hands caressing her face, his tongue sliding against hers in a way that only amplified what he was doing with his cock, so unfairly teasingly yet so tender that she couldn't be angry. And when he reached one hand down to push the thick, smooth head of him into her pulsing clit, rubbing it in slow circles, she squeezed her eyes shut and let out a desperate noise of pleasure, something between a cry and a moan that had been cut short.

"Please, I'm so ready." She whispered, practically clawing at his back.

Thankfully, he obliged. He shifted up slightly, reaching over her to open the nightstand for a condom, a little overly careful to shield his body from the candlelight so he wouldn't really expose himself, but Shay took a hold of his wrist and drew it back to her. "We don't need it."

He silently reflected on that possibility. "Because of the pill?"

"Yeah, I'm taking it." She nodded. "And since we're... you know, official and everything..."

That lit a fire inside him, the verbal confirmation that she was his and he was hers. He kissed her with a healthy mixture of aggression and gentleness, their typical fast-paced coupling replaced with something more tender and sweet. Wordlessly, he rutted against her three more times before finally sliding inside, all the way with no hesitation and no resistance. Shay had never let out a scream during initial pentration- usually that was reserved for a climax, and that was if they were alone- but if his lips weren't muffling hers in that moment she guaranteed she would have this time. Whether it was the prolonged buildup or just the significance of the moment, he felt like fucking heaven. Ari let out a long, gutteral moan into her mouth, his body completely tense in a way that was much different than before.

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