Ash-y/n .


I slowly turned around and gave a awkward smile hoping he would still love me if mouse was my dad either way I mean it wasn't true love if he still doesn't accept me right? Fuck.

ash-mouse is your dad?
y/n-it's not a big deal
ash-y/n yes it is he's my rival
y/n-ash no it's not I'll cut it off
ash-y/n it doesn't work like that.
y/n-i don't understand why you are scared I didn't know he was my dad get over it ash gosh
ash-fuck you y/n
ash-fuck you.

the fuck he jus said? cus me ion let no one disrespect me like that . I walked up to him and grabbed his shoulder and slapped him.

y/n-the fuck is wrong with you tryna start problems when I didn't know
ash-you'll get over it

I scoffed and continued walking leaving ash on the floor I could care less if the paparazzi saw what happened he shouldn't get on my back because I didn't know mouse was my dad like bye I was the one who helped your brother get more drugs ion even wanna hear it

I walked into the school without ash and immediately all eyes were on me

y/n-the fuck y'all lookin at?
???-when's the album

Fuck. I forgot half of this school follows "keepingupwithy/n" fuck fuck fuck

y/n-ion know now continue w yo day

*people started going around me in circle yelling at me until I pushed myself out . I saw ash and quickly went into a elevator and saw rue

rue-cmon y/n
y/n-i only said I was gonna give u weed one time and you used the opportunity
rue-stop being a bitch

The doors opened and I quickly walked out and ran into the girls bathroom and saw maddy I ran in her arms

maddy-what's wrong?
y/n-ashtray might breakup with me because mouse is our dad and rue is calling me bitch for not selling drugs to her and everyone is just not giving me space
maddy-cmon *she opened the biggest stall and sat down with me in her lap.*
y/n-it feels like the whole world is against me
maddy-y/n bby don't listen to them and if wants to breakup with you because mouse is our dad then okay you'll find someone better

no one was better then ashtray he was the only person that understood me no matter how much he did me wrong I'll always go back crawling I was feeling weaker. Weaker each time I talked or moved.

My phone started buzzing

"my cigarette tray is calling"

Maddy-don't answer
y/n-i have too hes the second to last person I have left.
Maddy-lmk if anything goes down I'll be right by your side.
y/n-i love you maddy.
maddy-i love u too kiddo now go answer

*I got up and went outside and answered*

ash-come downstairs
y/n-no *my lips quivered*
ash-ma please.
*I hung up and took a deep breath*

I went downstairs through the back door and somehow I saw ash and he ran in my arms with his arms around my waist his head on the crook of my neck. I felt tears run down my chest and soft sobs coming from ashtray I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing his head softly. I heard him say softly

ash-im sorry I overreacted I was scared taht mouse was gonna do something in our relationship.
y/n-it's okay ash just relax

*I walked with him upstairs and went in the abounded classroom and locked it I could careless about class ash has all my attention and since he was 16 and I was 15 he was known for the man of the relationship is it true? Hell nah. I am but I'm never gonna say it but ashtray Is a child in a teens body ion judge because I know he never got the childhood sone people got*

I sat in a corner with ash in my hands and since it was 10 AM I set in alarm for 12 PM and Euphoria high ends at 2pm so 2 hours of class isn't that bad. I heard small snores from ash and soon enough I fell asleep too

*alarm going off*

I woke up and saw ash still asleep but inside my hoodie I wouldn't blame in it's cold asf in this classroom but I always had a blanket in my bookbag in case something happens I wrapped him around my blanket and set a alarm for 12:30pm but I stayed up

*30 mins pass*

the 30 minutes passes and I shook ash softly and he woke up and rubbed his eyes then outta no where he started to kiss me softly

Ash-i love u ma *he smirked*
y/n-wasn't u jus cryin 2 hours ago and-

I felt ash hands cover my mouth

ash-don't finish that sentence
I nodded I packed everything and went out and since me and ash didn't have the same classes room because he's in a higher class then me . We went our separate ways then a teacher said my name.

Jesus give me patience .

hey guys it's zuri I haven't been feeling well so Kimberly is gonna take over for now!! I promise she's a great writer she wrote "he's annoying , she's annoying" sad book but amazing . You'll be playing as jay ROXX

 You'll be playing as jay ROXX

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^this is her ,

I promise y/n and ashtrays relationship isn't toxic it's just something. I love y'all and I love y'all again and much love from zuri

Should Kimberly do a face reveal i ain't doin mine because I don't have my weave on and I have pimples and I LOOK LIKE THIS

Should Kimberly do a face reveal i  ain't doin mine because I don't have my weave on and I have pimples and I LOOK LIKE THIS

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shout out to Kimberly for this photo btw

But stay safe ml


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