🍼 - it's ok

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Little: drista, Dream
Cg: Tina, (start of chapter Dream), Sapnap

Promt: I don't even know at this point.


Drista has had her words pronounced wrong for a while. Dream was getting worried. Who might know what's going on? Tina! He called Tina.

Ring, ring, ring....



"Tina can you come over?"

"Yeah why?"

"It's hard-" Dream looked over to drista turning on paw patrol. "-to explain..." Dream stated. "Yeah I will be over in 5." Tina replied.

Tina heard paw patrol in the background. "Oh who's watching paw portal?" Tina asked. "That's the thing drista has been acting like a baby recently! I mean I'm not mad about it I'm just confused."

"Oh dream...that's age regression." Tina said. "What's that?" Dream asked. "Age regression is a form of therapy that encourages you to access and relive your memories by reverting to a younger state of mind." Tina replied.

"I am going to be over in like 4 just research it." Tina said. "Also don't freak out if she calls you any names." Tina said. "Alright."


Dream heard a knock at the door. He stopped recharging. Drista was swimming on the edge of little space.

Even though she doesn't know what is happening, she just wants to get rid of this fuzzy feeling in her brain.

"Hi drista." Tina said sitting down by her. "Tina...what is this fuzzy feeling in my brain?" Drista and Dream both asked at the same time. "Alright sit up drista. Dream come here..." Dream walked over to the sofa and sat down.

"Drista it's age regression. Age regression is a form of therapy that encourages you to access and relive your memories by reverting to a younger state of mind."

"So my mind just is telling me to get away from problems?" Drista asked. "Mhm. And since you both have that fuzzy feeling, you both are age regressors."

"Come here little ones.." Tina said. They got closer as Tina started explaining this feeling a little bit more. "So how do we slip in to this mindset?" Drista asked. "First you just need to relax, calm down." Tina said. They both let go there shoulders sagging.

"It's ok little ones...it's ok..." Tina comforted them into little space. You might ask, how does Tina know so much about little space, well Sapnap used to regress like every day, but he only regresses if he's in deep fear or stress.

Tina headed up stairs and knocked at Sapnap's door. Sapnap opened it. "Ye- what are you doing here Tina?" Sapnap asked. "Dream and drista are littles, can you help me take care of them?" Tina asked. Sapnap nodded. They went down stairs.

"Daddy!" Dream said happily. Sapnap's heart melted. "Hi darling." Sapnap said. "Sapnap can you go to the store and get them stuff, here..." Tina said handing Sapnap 2 hundred dollar bills, "$200 dollars is the limit for both of them."


Tina got snapped out of her thoughts when the two littles said something that made Tina's heart melt. "Mommy!" They both said happily.

"Yes duckings?" Tina asked. "Pway?" Tina felt bad because she didn't have anything with her. "Ok duckings one second."

Tina looked in Sapnap's room any signs for toys, she found 2 stuffed animals. Tina went back downstairs. "How old are you guys?" Tina asked. "Twee!" Drista replied. "Fwor!" Dream said.

"Alright I'm back!" Sapnap said. "Do you guys want bottles?" Tina asked. The littles nodded. Tina and Sapnap filled the bottles and gave them to there littles.


"Ni ni."

"Ni ni."

"Good night darlings." Tina and Sapnap said to there littles.

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