🍼 hey Dream...? 🍼

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Little: 🔥 Sapnap 🔥
Caregiver: 🟩 Dream 🟩

Promt: Sapnap discovers age regression and after one week he talks to dream about it and the next day he slips

Sapnap really needed a new coping mechanism. All the other ones he had tried didn't work for long. He stumbles on age regression. He researches it and regress once see if he likes it.

By the sound of it it looks like a good one. After 2 days of researching he buys the stuff if Amazon. The next day it arrives. He unboxes it and just by the sight his mind goes to stuff baby's do.

He fills his bottle with apple juice and brings it back up to his room. After he finishes it he puts his paci in and falls asleep.

The next day when he woke up he felt way better and he kept on going at it for a few days just to see if it keeps on working. It is. After the week ends he decides he's going to tell Dream. But Dream would probably make fun of him and hate him for it.

After a lot of overthinking he goes to Dream's room and knocks. "Hey dream? C-can we talk?" Sapnap asked scarily. "Of course! Cmon in!" Dream replies through the door.

Sapnap walks in and sits on Dream's bed. "So? What's up?" Dream asks. "Ummm can we talk about a new coping mechanism I saw? I tried it for a couple days and I think it might be the one for me." Sapnap said.

"Tell me about it!" Dream said. "It's called age regression...." Sapnap said. "Age regression is a form of therapy that encourages you to access and relive your memories by reverting to a younger state of mind." Sapnap stated. "Basically I act like a child or baby." Sapnap finished.

"I know it sounds dumb it's just helps me a lot and-" Sapnap got cut off by Dream. "I know what that is and I support you and I will take care of you. And be your caregiver." Dream said as he grabbed Sapnap's chin. "I am here. I am always here." Dream finished pulling him into a hug. "T-thank you..." Sapnap said.

———the next day while Dream is streaming———

Sapnap walks into the room with his paci in his mouth making grabby hands towards Dream. "Hey chat I got to end stream. Sense this was a short one I will stream tomorrow. I just got to take care of something that came up. Sorry chat. Byeeeee!!!" Dream said ending stream.

He pulled Sapnap into a hug. "Hey bubbas how old are you?" Dream asked. Sapnap held up 2 fingers. "Ok do you want milky?" Dream asked. Sapnap nodded. Dream made him some milk and turned on cartoons and soon enough Sapnap was out like a light switch.

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