Chapter two

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Knockout waited near the ground bridge with his assigned team of five vehicons. He entered the portal as Soundwave activated the bridge, he walked silently out of the other side of the portal as it closed behind him. His tracker read that the signal was in a clearing one mile from him and his group. He looked around him trying to see through the thick humid forest before starting forward vehicons following closely behind.

A half an hour later of cutting his and his followers a way to the signal they came upon the clearing. Knockout silently gasped as he spied the shallow smoldering crater, he cautiously but quickly approached. When he peered down into the crater he got a face full of hot smoke, as he recoiled and gagged one of the cons snickered and whispered something to another to the right of him. A laughing fit hit the two as Knockout turned around with a blackened face and an angry scowl.

"What!?" He hissed as they straitened out.

"Sir your face appears to have been smudged by the smoke." One of the two replied.

"Oh." He said rolling his crimson eyes.

He turned back to the crater covered his face then leapt into it. When he emerged from the pit he carried a battered femme figure with him gently.

"You there call for a ground bridge before the Autobot scum find the signal." Just as he finished saying that another bridge opened up and three bots came walking out. There was Bumblebee, Arcee and, Ratchet, Arcee glaring daggers as she caught sight of the group. Ratchet's eyes widened when he saw what Knockout was carrying.

"Is that?" Arcee gasped when she followed Ratchets gaze.

"I believe it is Arcee." He answered as bumblebee clicked astonished.

"Step away Autobots we found her first." Knockout said firming his grip on the limp figure.

"Make us." Arcee hissed defiantly.

"In case you haven't noticed we are better equipped to tend to her. Not to mention we have energon something you seem to be lacking." Knockout replied cockily.

"I hate to admit it Arcee but he is right we aren't properly equipped to care for what wounds she has and we shouldn't risk a firefight Incase of accidentally killing the femme. Optimus would agree and besides she still has a choice for which side she wants to be on." Ratchet replied with a twinge of both urgency and reluctancy.

"We can't just..." Bumblebee interrupted her with a series of calm clicks and beeps.

"Raphael open the ground bridge." Ratchet said after Arcee nodded and quit her argument.

"Thank the all-spark." Knockout sighed as the trio left and another bridge open up in front of them.

He took another look at the femme making sure her spark was still burning, thankfully it gave off a faint electric green glow. Then he went through the bridge quickly.

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