Part 6 - Baby steps

Beginne am Anfang

Anjali - "Why are you so apprehensive? We are not going to believe if you say that you're not interesting in any area."

Rudra - "Actually..."

Anjali - "Yeah..."

Rudra - "I am bike racer. I used to drive race bikes in Manali and won a few races. But my dad don't like my passion for bikes. Other than that, I have interested in studying the working of cars and bikes."

Anjali - "Bike racer? Really... I thought you are going to say something like coding or web development..."

Rajveer - "Calm down Anjali. Everyone has a different taste and it is completely good to be a racer. It requires a different type of self control and dedication."

Anjali - "But how can he get employed with bikes?"

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Anjali - "But how can he get employed with bikes?"

Rajveer - "Why not? There are opportunities. Don't worry, Rudra. We'll get a job for you either as a racer or something related to that."

Rudra - "Thank you so much Rajveer Bhaiyya for your concern. But I don't want to get into that field at least now. Dad never like my work. I cannot disobey him and if I do, it will turn the matter worse. Like Didi said, it is better for me to work in IT companies."

Rajveer patted his shoulders. 

Rajveer - "I cannot give any opinion as I know your situation. But the decision is yours. If you're interested to work in racing, we are there for you."

Anjali hugged Rudra.

Anjali - "I'll let you know about your training soon."


Rajveer enrolled Rudra in an Event Management Course with a personal mentor after a few more similar discussions within a day. The Design of the course is to have classes for five days and a project/practictal work on the 6th day.

Rudra started taking course from his house and visited Rohan during the evening. He gradually developed dedication and interest towards the course and started working on his skills apart from the course materials. The main motto of Rudra is not only getting the job but also to make father feeling proud of him seeing his independency.


15 days later / Night / 8PM

Soumya has received the best employee of the month by her team members as her research article has impressed the Heads in National Level. Her office arranged a dinner to celebrate the glory.

Janvi, Ashwin, Prem and Shraddha come together in a grand outfit. Soumya welcomed them to the dinner and introduced them to her employees.

 Soumya welcomed them to the dinner and introduced them to her employees

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