Part 16-moon and back

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Bakugous pov:

It's been three weeks since deku has been shot. I have been at the hospital non stop waiting for him to wake up. When wasn't at school or training I was here. Sitting next to my boyfriend the father of our future kids laying on this hospital bed all because of me. I would come and tell him stories and tell him about my day non-stop.

It's been about 3 months and I'm 9 months pregnant now. It's also currently February they were finally able to take the tubes out a a couple months back. Each day passes as I have been closer to my due date and no signs that izuku will wake anytime soon. The doctors say he won't be awake to see the babies born but I still have hope and that's all I can have. Our doctor said I should be due in two weeks max but something feels off. It was about 8:52 so I only had a few more minutes of visiting hours. "See you later izu I really do hope that you wake up in time for the birth of our children. We have come all this way I and I don't think I could do it if you aren't there by my side. I love you to the moon and back." I soon started walking out to get to elevator when I suddenly felt liquid running down my legs seeping through my sweats. That's when I realized.. my water broke.

I started groaning in pain from the contractions this was all happening but deku still hasn't woken up yet. I start making my way to find a nurse or somebody till I finally find the service desk on this floor. I was caressing my stomach trying to hold on to railing on the walls anything really. I walked up to the service desk to see a nurse sitting there on the computer filling some forms. "Excuse me? Ma'am?" She looked up smiling.
"Hello bakugou how can I help you?" She said. I had seen this nurse before she helped run tests on deku and we got to talking along with explaining everything that happened.
"I think my water broke.." I said.
"Oh! Come this way!" She led me to where some wheel chairs are and went towards the elevator. She the went to the 4th floor right above the third where we just were. She started talking with some nurses as the helped me to a room. The gave me one of those hospital gowns to put on. The helped me get on the bed and started doing some tests and got me water and a whole bunch of other things. I was in and out of sleep to be honest. I them here some of the nurses talking outside and with nothing better to do I listened.
"He woke up there hasn't been any signs of it happening so why now?"
" I don't know maybe something was said or something just happened with the time period of the tests and—-" I didn't hear the last bit because I then started reviving a call from papa.
~in call~
Katsuki! Where are you we have been worried sick!.
. Sorry papa just running a little early and so I won't be home tonight or for a while.
.What do you mean katsuki?.
I mean it's time.. I'm in labor.
.Really?! Ok we will start heading over there we will bring your go bag and everything stay calm and breath be there soon!.

. Ok bye see y'all soon..
~ end of call~
"Mister bakugou?" I hear a voice say. I looked over to see Kiki the nurse from earlier standing in the doorway. " yes?"
" we would like to inform you that izuku woke up. We don't know how, all we know is his body is functioning great we are going to run some tests then we can take you to him or him to you which ever works best."
"Thank you Kiki that means A lot."

Dekus pov:
For over three months I have been lying here doing nothing. Katsuki would tell me about his day and stories till today.I have been wanting to hug him so much it's driving me crazy. The last words I heard from him today was See you later izu I really do hope that you wake up in time for the birth of our children. We have come all this way I and I don't think I could do it if you aren't there by my side. I love you to the moon and back." Last thing I heard but I also heard him groaning to which got me worried. I can't take it anymore I need to see him to touch him. About 10-14 minutes after he left I finally felt the air shift a bit as I finally was able to open my eyes. Sure it was to some bright ass lights but it was worth it. I started looking around adjusting to my environment and the lights but mainly to find the button to call for someone. I finally found it and pushed it. It took a few minutes until nurses and a doctor came rushing in. The all started do different things some taking tests checking my blood pressing and break thing. Checks for a lot. The started running a lot of tests. One nurse finally left to go some where saying " I have to go tell someone he woke up it will make their night less painful." They finally finished doing the test after 30 minutes god I was ready for that to be over.

Bakugous pov:
Contractions are terribly there are some that aren't to bad then there are some that makes me want birth these kids right here right now. The thing keeping me going was being able to see izuku awake for the first time in 3 and a half months. After a good 30 minutes Kiki came in here bringing me some medicine for the pain. " I have some good news. Izuku is doing perfectly fine. His body is functioning great and he has also been talking non stop. Also we were thinking about letting him walk a little bit before coming up here so we don't have to bring him in a bed. We were just wondering if you would prefer to go go down there or stay up here and he come up here?"

So many things were going through my head but I was able to process all them. "Can he come up here? Can you make him think y'all are just taking him around the bring him here but not let him know?please?"

" of course katsu we will be up in a few." With that Kiki left to go downstairs.

Dekus pov:
After about 10 minutes that nurse came back in she sat down some clothes on the counter along with some bathroom and shower stuff.
"Okay so we are going to take you for a walk around the building but we wanted to see if you wanted to take a shower brush you teeth and get dressed into some comfortable clothes before we take you for the walk?"
". Sure I will take a shower I won't be long though." "Okay I will wait in here."
I got the stuff off the counter and went into the bathroom that was in the room. I sat it all on the counter in there and then started brushing my teeth. And the only thing I could think of is seeing katsuki. I finished brushing my teeth and hopped into the shower. I started washing my hair and my body till I finished. I got out and dried off putting on the boxers and grey sweat pants with the black hoodie along with some socks. I walkout and see the nurse sitting in a chair holding a bag. She looked up and says "perfect timing okay here is the bag with you phone headphones and watch from the night you went out. You can carry the with you when we go."
" okay yeah cool thanks." I take the bag and take my stuff out. I looked at my phone to see dozens of messages, calls, and a whole lot of other stuff. I put my phone in my pocket and my watch on my wrist then my headphones neatly put into my hoodie pocket. "Okay um so why was I aloud to start walking so early? I mean I just woke up shouldn't I be resting?" " well mr. Midoriya you did so much healing when you were asleep and when we looked at all the test results you looked great we were even able to take you stitches out. Everything looked great we just wanted to see a few things the your pretty much released." She said " oh okay cool thanks." With that we started walking down the halls and up some stairs to the fourth floor the around there. We finally got to this one door so I started getting confused. "You may head on inside mr. Midoriya" I started walking in when I finally seen him..


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