Part 3 sad or happy?

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To dekus surprise bakugou was cuddling a pillow while crying into it

Deku:hey.. You ok?

Bakugou:They know now and you know what happens when people find out i'm soft they start bullying me because i'm supposed to act musculen or whatever and now i'm going to feel weak and uncomfortable

He leaned his head against the way with his eyes closed when he felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around him

At that moment he started to feel better

Deku:but hey they aren't like that there our friends they don't want to hurt you..

Bakugou:But what about Uraraka she is in love with you and knows you are gay but thinks if she can get you to like her you will be straight or she will do something to get me to break up with you i know it i have a feeling.

Deku:Well if she does try anything just remember this if she snitches she with get some stitches and end up in a ditch with her b**** @** face of her's. Because no one messes with my boyfriend and gets away with it.

Bakugou: No you are not killing anyone on my watch because if you do you will get arrested and you wouldn't want me to be left alone would you? Becaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaause I know you can't go one day without cuddles and you would be hella upset is you didn't have cuddles while you were in prison without me.

Deku: You're right but you're also wrong because yes all that is true but I also couldn't go a day without that ass of yours now can i?

He said while putting his hands on his ass

Bakugou: you fucking perv!

The next morning after their.. Night (I will make a part for the night they had after this one but give me a bit because i need to brainstorm stuff but I will post it soon)

Bakugou:mmm -starts to wake up-

He seen deku up and crawled to the end of the bed and got up to hug him then felt a sharp pain go through his legs (Imagine spraining both of your ankles but a percent worse) he hugged deku from behind while struggling to stand up right

Deku: You ok kat?You're shaking like a lot..

He brought bakugou to the front of him and picked him up

Deku: You need some painkillers..?

Bakugou: what do you think?

Deku: Ok is it ok if I bring you down to the commons with me to get them because it's the weekend and most likely everyone either is asleep or out..

Bakugou: whatever

Deku opened the door and started walking to the elevator to go downstairs to the commons room he walked into the elevator and to his surprise when the doors opened..

He was surprised because everyone in class 1-a were in the commons room with bakugou half asleep in his arms he quietly carried him to the couch where there was an empty space he sat him down

Bakugou was wear Dekus shirt with some shorts. Deku was only wearing some black sweat pants.

After deku sat bakugou down on the couch he went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and pain killers for bakugou. When deku left everyone started whispering and some just stared at bakugou after a few minutes Deku came back with the painkillers wondering what was going on

Deku:What's going on here?

Bakugou:babe pain killers*said a little frustrated*

Deku:oh right sorry puppy

<give him the painkillers and water>

Bakugou:thank you <Takes the painkillers and water and swallows it>

~End of part 3~

I tried to make this part a bit longer but not much and I am sorry for that but part 4 will be posted in a couple hours... Have a goof morning night or afternoon where ever you may live :))) Also thank you to whoever takes the the time to read this and sorry again for the short chapters

bye bye now <3

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