iv. New Allies

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Enchanted Forest. Before the First Curse

SHE HEARD THE sloshing of water before Alice spoke again, "So since we're back at your room in the inn: Why'd you still wear that shawl -- you're not trying to hide anything, are you?"

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SHE HEARD THE sloshing of water before Alice spoke again, "So since we're back at your room in the inn: Why'd you still wear that shawl -- you're not trying to hide anything, are you?"

With that simple sentence, she had Rapunzel figured out and that they had met not even a few hours prior and it left her feeling naked and vulnerable in a way she didn't like and it left nerves biting into the acid in her stomach and a wave of nausea hits her -- and it hits her hard

Rapunzel leant against the wall suddenly too weak in the knees to stand, she knew that Alice was waiting on an answer from her but she couldn't find it within herself to answer and with her dry mouth, she swallowed roughly. It felt like ages again before she heard Alice speak again "Shit. That was inappropriate, I guess in a way we're all trying to run from something. Our demons just take on different forms depending on who were are"

This young girl said one of the heaviest sentences that Rapunzel had ever heard, in such a sing-songy way it almost sounded melodic, she took a moment to recover, thoughts whizzing around her head so fast that one barely forms before another one bursts in. Eventually, though the princess managed to force out  a sentence "It's okay, I guess I just didn't expect that question so soon"

Almost without tact, the young girl exclaimed "So are you going to tell me?"

"Can we talk about this maybe in a little while when it's a more appropriate time?" The lost princess through her head back, pinching her nose and breathing through it. She could already tell this young girl was curious and maybe too curious for her own good 

"I'm sorry...It's been a while since I have spoken to actual human beings...Wonderland is quite the isolating place" The young girl apologised again and Rapunzel's heart squeezes, she gets it. What it is like to live your years void of any human connection, just wishing for some way out and for something to take you away from it all 

Make you forget...Even if just for a while

It took many years for Rapunzel to get her wish, and by the sadness and strain in the girl's voice, it may have taken her that amount of time as well. Rapunzel sighed and leant against the washroom door, "Look I have to go now, but please feel free to continue bathing and there should be an extra set of warm clothes while your other ones dry out, I've even paid some more coins for an extra night in the tavern although you don't have to stay if you don't want to"

Maybe it was too much of a kindness to pay for an extra night of the room but she couldn't help it. The girl obviously needed help and as much as a part of Rapunzel wanted to stay and help get the girl back on her feet, she had places to be and was already running behind on the schedule she set for herself 

"Wait. You're going?"

"I am. I do have places to go, you know" Rapunzel said, her words clipped with a certain distinctness, the kind that she learnt from her mother when she was giving her lessons on how to speak like a royal and her heart once again squeezes and a wave of something familiar encased her  "And you have already set me back a bit, so if you really don't mind. I must be going"

Rapunzel ambled around the room as she packed up the things that she would need for the trip, staying as long as she could in order to keep an eye out for Alice and it wasn't long before she heard Alice stumble out of the bathing area, her wet hair sticking to her forehead and dripping onto the floor and cloth wrapped around her skin to keep her dignity 

Her eyes were wide and for the first time since Rapunzel met her, Alice looked her age and looked like a scared and frightened girl, whose eyes were blown wide. "You really going to leave me?"

Her heart broke as she knelt in order to be eye-level with Alice "Look I know you don't like this but I hardly know you and I only saved you because you are just a teenager and looked like you had a hard time so I was the kindness that you deserve but now I must go"

"Let me go with you. I know the Enchanted Forest"

"Where I'm going -- it could be dangerous" Rapunzel explained as softly as she could but she couldn't help but notice her voice break. Though she did managed to break through the encompassing fear around her heart, it had been years since she was in that tower. She was loved now, she had a family, parents, and a fiancè who loved her and she couldn't wait to marry him 

"It can't be more dangerous than Wonderland"

"Probably not, but still--it doesn't seem right for you to come along"

"You can take me or you can not, but I'll probably follow you anyway because of my escape from Wonderland, I have no where to go. My family is gone as is my home and well I'll need somewhere to go and even if I don't go with you I'll go on my own"

Alice wasn't joking, she was being serious and that made Rapunzel nervous, this girl was manipulative and she knew it but there wasn't much that Rapunzel could do because if she left she knew she would feel guilty for leaving Alice possibly to a worse fate and if something was to happen to her, she would continue to feel guilty 

Somehow Rapunzel thought that Alice knew that and that made her feel more uneasy than the thought of Alice wandering through the Enchanted Forest alone. She shook her head clear of the thoughts, her mind felt like it was about to explode

"Fine. You can come with me" Rapunzel decided

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