Tomoko: "But I'm feeling sick and I need a cat nap" her defence comes out comes out with a childish tone and an unseen pout

Y/N: "Didn't you say that yesterday as well?" he optimistically hopes to get her to give in and take responsibility

Tomoko: "B-but it's still pretty bad and I'll make it up to you when I'm feeling better" beginning to beg hoping Y/N will give in

Feeling his wife's words were sincere and not just an excuse to avoid responsibility, Y/N let's an exaggerated groan as to express his reluctancy and as a childish way of stating "if I don't get to sleep more neither do you". With his small revenge done with, Y/N removes what little blanket still covers him as to get suitably dressed to roam the halls of their home, as no matter how healthy a father may be, a shirtless dad is one thing any child hopes to never see.

Tomoko: "Yay, love you Y/N" she lets out a quiet celebration

Y/N: "Good to know I'm appreciated for my hard work" he once again speaks in a flat tone with a hint of sarcasm

Tomoko: "Hey I appreciate everything you do" whilst grumbling out her retort her face scrunches up with the implications of his words

Y/N: "Yeah yeah now get some rest grumpy cat, got any preference on breakfast?" His tone lightens in the hopes of not leaving Tomoko in a poor mood

Y/N having gotten dressed turns back to his wife to see her groggy yellow eyes glancing at him in the doorway staring back at his E/C ones

Tomoko: "Hmm surprise me, but make sure it's regular food, I'm not making that mistake again" she finishes with a scowl recalling a certain memory

Y/N: "Heh you asked for a surprise and I'd say chocolate covered bacon was a surprise" he states with a chuckle at the memory

Y/N thinks back to his habit of taking anything he can literally for his amusement: ask him to sign a piece of paper? He'll write his name anywhere but where it's not supposed to go, ask him for a pizza and he'll chuck a frozen pizza on your lap. Having learnt this source of entertainment for him, Tomoko is careful to word her sentences when Y/N is a joking mood.

Tomoko: "Hmmmmmm I guess, now leave Mrs L/N will not accept any sloppy cat food to start her day" despite the ridiculousness of his previous statement, Tomoko as usual decides to not sour a good mood and rather join it so they can both smile together

Y/N delivers a mock bow with a slight smirk on his still tired face

Y/N: "Of course your majesty, I'll be sure to make sure the prince and princess are ready for when you decide to grace them with your presence" he replies in a somewhat posh accent

Tomoko: "Good good that will be all" replying in an equal posh accent and after a few chuckles at the situation, she rests her head in the hopes of finding the motivation to get out of bed

After receiving his 'orders' Y/N slightly closes the door, not too open as to not bother her but not closed so she doesn't accidentally drift off to sleep. Making his way down the hallways of the home Y/N arrives at his first stop, a door that blends in with the rest of the doors around it but with one feature separating it from the others, a sign on the door which reads


On the other side of the door was Kazuha L/N the 7 year old first child of Y/N L/N and Tomoko L/N, in terms of appearance Kazuha shared almost every aspect with his father except for his eyes and quirk which were the same as his mother's. Currently Kazuha was up and with already packed bag for school, why you may ask? Simple

Bragging rights

Kazuha himself inherited both joyful parts of his parents and for better and worse he tries to find humour in everything, wether that be him laughing with people or at them. Despite this troublesome attitude Kazuha is any regular 7 year old in the era of quirks, that being having dreams of becoming a hero. Whilst not being as fanatical as a certain piece of broccoli about heroes he is what many would refer to as a fanboy of sorts, the main targets of his interest being both of his parents (which they both definitely don't let get to their heads and don't brag about to their friends, that'd never happen) who seeks to act like them when he one day becomes a hero.

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