Heart in my hand

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"So, what's the plan?" Steve asked, pausing briefly to smash an android in the head with his shield.

"No time for a plan. We go in, disable the thing and then come out." Tony responded as he landed next to the trio.

"We don't need a plan. I can do it." Wanda said confidently as Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Stupid" Natasha muttered under her breath and Steve shot her a glare.

"Natasha stop acting like a child" Wanda snapped.

Both Tony and Steve wore the same bewildered expression when Natasha didn't give Wanda a dressing down for talking to her in such a way.

"So, shall we defuse the tension between you two first or go ahead and defuse the bomb?" Tony jibed.

"Don't think I can't kick your ass in that suit Stark" Natasha said seriously as Wanda nodded behind her.

"Yes Ma'am, understood" Tony retorted sarcastically, giving Natasha a salute.

"Barton, are you getting all of this? We're going in. You're head avenger now. Keep us updated with what's going on."

"Got it Stark." Clint crackled through their ear pieces.

The four of them ran towards the entrance of the lab, Tony blasting a path through the Hydra bots.

Muller was still nowhere to be seen and it put Natasha on edge. He was clearly visible on the news report, had he retreated back to his lair already?

The lab was multiple stories high and Hydra Agents clogged the hallways. The team fought their way through quickly and efficiently, leaving a trail of human like parts in their wake.

"Stairs or elevator?" Wanda asked, glancing at Natasha.

"We're bound to encounter more of these... things on the stairs but in the elevator we're trapped. We also don't know what's going to be waiting for us when the doors open at the top." Natasha said.

"Get in the lift, we'll blast our way out if needed." Tony directed.

They piled into the elevator with Natasha at the back when a Hydra member appeared and launched himself at her. She responded quickly and smashed her elbow into his face fiercely, noting that his nose exploded with blood on impact. This one's human then.

The man only paused briefly to wipe the blood from his face with a dirty sleeve. He grunted something unintelligible at Nat and threw a powerful right hook towards her head. She ducked it with ease and swept his legs, immediately dropping a knee into his chest as he hit the floor. He rolled away, seemingly unaffected and pulled a gun from the side of his worn leather belt and aimed at her.

A small group of droids had descended on the intruding superheroes and Cap, Tony and Wanda were batting them off as Natasha held her own against the Hydra man.

Natasha slid gracefully under her attacker's extended arm and rose behind him. She swiftly kicked the back of his knee, causing him to drop slightly, and grasped his arm, pulling it back viciously until she heard it snap. The man screamed in agony as the gun clattered to the floor and Natasha caught Wanda's eye as she tasered him on both sides of his neck and allowed him to crumple to the ground.

Natasha gave Wanda a wink as the brunette shook her head and tried, unsuccessfully, to hide her smirk.

Natasha knew it was slightly unfair to interact with Wanda in this way after breaking the girl's heart and ignoring her for weeks on end, but it was different in the battlefield; they were family and had to have each other's backs. If being facetious and smiling at Wanda kept her at ease then Natasha would continue to do so.

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