But your love's so sweet

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Natasha looked out of her window and watched as the plane broke through the barrier of cloud and the turquoise of the Indian Ocean came into view.

They had been travelling for almost 24 hours, including a layover in Dubai, and both women were exhausted. Thankfully, Natasha had demanded that they travel first class due to the long haul flight and Fury had agreed rather easily. When they touched down in Male, they would need to board a small sea plane that would take them to their island resort.

Fury had managed to coerce his contacts at every airport to avert their eyes when scanning Natasha's carry on; it contained her Glock, batons, Tasers and tactical suit. Taking her full arsenal of weapons was probably overkill but Natasha would rather be over prepared than not at all. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

Their only mission was to gather intelligence on the people they would be sharing an island with; Natasha would utilize her espionage skillset and Wanda would attempt to enter their targets minds. They were to blend in as a wealthy couple on holiday, making friends with other holiday goers and taking part in activities.

Fury had briefed both Natasha and Wanda on who the potential targets were but there was little to go on, rumors' mainly. The Maldivian Island they would be staying on, Medhufaru, housed one of the country's most expensive and exclusive resorts. It was owned by Klaus Muller, a German business man who had made his significant fortune in the oil business. Fury had it on good authority that Muller held a position high within Hydra's ranks and he just so happened to be hosting his close friends and business associates at the island this week. Natasha and Wanda would need to infiltrate the group, remain non-threatening and attempt to extract information from the guests; specifically the whereabouts of the Hydra hub and what the terrorist group were currently working on.

They stepped off the plane and Natasha felt the suffocating Maldivian heat hit her face.

"Natasha it's so hot!" Wanda exclaimed.

"You're very observant Maximoff, you'd make a good spy" Natasha joked as they entered the air conditioned airport.

"Remember, we stick to our code names from here on out unless we're in private ok?"

"Yes Mia" Wanda rolled her eyes.

"You're very grumpy today Isabella, do you need another nap?" Natasha teased as Wanda poked her tongue out.

Passport control was uneventful, their falsified documents more than satisfactory for the security staff, and their luggage was out within the hour.

They waited outside by the docks to board their seaplane, Wanda standing close to the water's edge marveling at the ocean.

"I can't believe how blue it is! I can't wait to see what it's like to swim in" She bounced excitedly.

"You've never swam in the ocean before?" Natasha asked, shocked.

Wanda shook her head.

"Sokovia is landlocked; I've never been to the beach or swam in the ocean. I took lessons at a local pool when I was smaller, so I can swim"

"Then that is something we will definitely have to rectify Little Witch. There isn't a feeling more freeing than swimming in the ocean. Wait until you see the island, the water will be bright blue but crystal clear, and full of coral." Natasha explained animatedly, looking forward to Wanda experiencing the ocean.

"Have you been here before?"

"No, I've travelled all over but unfortunately in our line of work you don't often get to visit such idyllic venues"

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