Hope took the Witch's hand into hers. "You do know it's okay to be not fine, right?"

"I know," The Witch nodded. "But I think I just something to distract me from this sadness for a while," She sighed.

"Well, if you want a distraction. Maybe you can help me figure out what I'm supposed to do with this." The Tribrid grabbed the spear from beside her.

"The only weapon on this Earth that can kill you?" Penelope laughed. "I don't think I'm the right person to tell you what to do with that."

Hope raised an eyebrow.  "You're a mischievous Witch. You must have some hiding places," She sighed. "It can't be destroyed. If I leave it out in the open, people are gonna come for it, and if I hide it, then I'm the only person who knows where it is."

"Isn't that the point?" The Witch questioned.

The Tribrid shook her head. "Not if I ever lose my way again."

"I don't see that happening," Penelope stated. "I see you breaking down and crying, but not turning your humanity off anytime soon." Hope looked at her confused. "You'll find out what I mean eventually."

"Well, either way, no one should have that kind of power. Especially not a Mikaelson," The Tribrid chuckles.

"Speak of Mikaelsons," The Witch spoke. "Why not just give it to your family?"

"I don't think they'll have the heart to kill me if I get loose again," Hope answered.

"I don't think anyone would have the heart to kill you," Penelope smiled.

"All students, please report to the grand hall for assembly," Alaric spoke over a speaker.


"Thank you all for being here," Alaric starts off. "You know, I made Ethan's mother a promise. The same promise I made your parents when they enrolled you here, that is to take care of you as if you were my own."

"But here we are, memorializing yet another student. And that is not what this place was meant to be." He was silent for a moment. "The Salvatore School was founded with a single mission: to create a safe space for young Supernaturals." He took another pause. "In reality, it's anything but."

"And achieving our mission statement- my mission statement- has proven impossible." He cleared his throat. "And because I can no longer keep my promise... the Salvatore School must close."

Everyone started chattering amongst themselves. Hope stood up causing everyone to quiet down.

"I have nothing more to say," Alaric spoke. "Other than I'm sorry." He walked out of the room.


Hope came stomping down the stairs into the Werewolves transitioning cells.

This caught Ashley's attention. "I sense that something is wrong."

"The school is closing," The Tribrid stated. "And I don't know what to do." She paced back and forth.

"You're down here with me because...?" Ashley questioned.

Hope stopped and looked at her, "I- I don't know. You said you came to the school to look for a home, and now it's closing. So, I thought maybe you could help me convince Dr. Saltzman to keep it open."

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