Murder By Quills

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The rest of the walk home wasn't any easier. Tails had to constantly put an end to all their bickering and fighting. Which was getting tiresome. He played around with the idea of just flying to the house and leaving them stranded. Though he was pretty sure one of them would die if he left.

Luckily Tails didn't have to endure their arguing any longer as their shared home finally came into view. He felt relief wash over him before uncertainty settled in.

Tails had zero clue what to do anymore. Sure he finally reunited with Sonic, but their relationship is in a rough patch. Especially after what happened earlier. And don't get Tails started on the whole situation with Shadow. Should he just talk things out with him or pretend it never happened? Tails needed some time to think.

"Uh... You two can do whatever you want, I'll head off to bed." Tails informed the two hedgehogs. He'll just take a quick nap and contemplate his recent choices.

"Oh" Sonic was pretty bummed. He was hoping to discuss with Tails about what happened prior to coming here.

"I'll go to my room too." Shadow turned to face Sonic. "You get to stay on the couch. Don't break anything."

"Wouldn't dream of it." Sonic's voice was laced with sarcasm. He wouldn't break anything that belonged to Tails but Shadow's stuff was fair game.

Tails didn't want to stay any longer if they were going to. He walked down the hallway and directly to his room. Not sparing a goodnight to his brothers. (Shadow and Sonic both said their goodnights to him.)

As tired as Tails felt like he was, for some reason he was unable to sleep. He layed in bed for what felt like hours. He tried everything to get himself sleepy enough to sleep, but nothing seemed to do the trick. Tails ended up giving up on sleep and got up from his bed. He'll do what he always does.


Tails finds himself in his workshop. He was lucky enough to bypass Sonic which was a huge relief. He'd rather not talk to him at the moment. Especially since he so called 'banned' him from building. As if that will stop him.

It did.

For 30 minutes, Tails just stared at his work table. He didn't even dare pick up a tool or pull out a pencil to sketch out new ideas. He just stayed in his workshop with nothing to do. Tails would like to blame the soreness his fingers feel from being overworked.(He doesn't want to acknowledge that Sonic's words have a hold over him.)

His zoned out state stopped the moment his ears picked up a noise coming from the hallway.  The footsteps are all too familiar. He was too tired to get up from his workbench, so he stayed there. Staring at the table. Not wanting to focus on the person creeping closer. Tails knows he'll have to face them eventually.

"Tails." His voice always sounded so harsh when he first met him, but now it's soft. It has a way to comfort Tails in any situation. But it also has a way to break Tails' heart.

"Shadow." He tries his best not to have his voice shake.

The footsteps creep closer to him, but Tails refuses to look up. Shadow stopped beside him. From the corner of his vision, Tails can see Shadow bringing something up. Finally giving in, Tails turns to face Shadow.

"I... I've got you a gift..." Shadow offered up his hand to reveal some very familiar goggles. Tails hadn't realized he lost them. The fox quickly takes notice that these goggles weren't as clean and new as they used to be. Its leather has worn out a bit and has tears around it. The blue lense has a crack on it and the red one seems to be scratched. It was ruined.

"I know it isn't as pretty as it used to be.. I'm sorry.... Wait! No- I'm not sorry for that... Wait yes I am... but I'm just trying to say that I'm also sorry you know-.." Shadow wasn't able to put his apology into words. He was failing miserably. Tails was going to hate him even more. Which Shadow doesn't blame him, he did do some messed up things. He was growing to panic more before he felt a set of arms wrap around his torso.

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