T H I R T Y - N I N E

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"Fuck..." Nathan grunted, spotting Ben as the older agent was shouting at him. Now with even less time than before, Nathan went over to the edge of the steel wall and slammed his hand against the red button that started pulling down the chained door from the ceiling.

As it was shutting, Ben shouted, "Nate! Nathan, no!"

Nathan tilted his head, his nose scrunched at the panicked face of his friend before shutting his eyes when it closed him in. He turned, leaning back against the door and could hear Ben pounding against the door. He could hear his friend's desperate cries for the door to open, but Nathan knew he couldn't do that. This was the worst way to say goodbye to his friend.

Travosky and his men slowed when they reached Nathan. The agent didn't move from where he was, just giving him a vacant stare. Travosky grinned as his men formed a half circle to block Nathan in. The blond man chuckled, sneering, "Well, well, well. Looks like I get to pay you back after all, Agent Henry."

Nathan's jaw tightened, narrowing his eyes before glancing behind the round bellied man and over at the C4 that was in place. The remote control by its side.

Travosky nodded towards his men. "Get him. We'll bring him back to the main warehouse. I have so much planned for you."

Grinning, Nathan cocked a brow, shrugging. "Don't plan on it."

Before Travosky's men could nab him, Nathan sprinted, throwing himself to slide by Travosky and another henchman. He pushed himself to his feet, grunting as he straightened, grabbing onto the remote control he hid earlier. Nathan spun around, extending the remote-control arm out at Travosky, raising a brow again.

"Any last words?" Nathan taunted.

Travosky's eyes widened, catching sight of the control, then dropped his gaze to follow the wires leading along various parts of the space, even under his own feet. He slowly focused on Nathan again, grinning, "Well played, Agent."


Ben panted, shaking his head, "Nathan!" By the time he reached the shut door, he slammed his hands against it, balling them up to pound them repeatedly. His tears stung his eyes, frantically trying to pry the door open. "Don't do this, Nathan! Nathan, open the damn door! Nathan!"

Adam panted, finally reaching Ben. Surprisingly, the older man was still quick on his feet despite all the times the brunet always joked what a damn slow poke Ben was. Shaking his head, Adam wrapped his arms around the man's chest to start pulling Ben away from the door.

"Ben! Ben, we can't stay here! Come on!"

"No! Not without Nathan!"

Panic ensued for Adam with the little bit of time left to get him and the others away from the factory. Nathan's whole plan would be a waste if they remained in this proximity. Having no other option, and using the older man's panic to his advantage, Adam reeled back his arm and knocked his elbow on the back of the older man's head.

Ben doubled over against the metal door, groaning with a hand to his head. Adam grabbed the man's shirt collar and dragged Ben away. The older man shook his head, and through tears mumbled, "Nathan... we have to... we have to get Nathan!"

The weight he had to carry was burning Adam's thighs, but his determination to keep his word to his friend kept Adam's efforts strong. He grunted, looking back at the man still moaning out tearful pleas in the direction of the factory.

Adam whipped his attention forward just as Rory came over once the two had reached a good distance from the bronco. He bent, using his good arm, to help Ben up and nodded that he could take hold of Ben on his own. Adam nodded back; his shoulders slumped. He frowned at the pavement, swallowing hard at what was going to be branded in his mind for the rest of his life.

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