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They'd been driving for fifteen minutes, and neither had said a word yet. Mara knew she was the one who insisted on speaking with him but hadn't gathered the right words to say. Mara was unsure of what to say. She'd thought she did but with her track record of brilliant ideas, Mara hadn't thought this far ahead.

Biting her lip as she stared out her side window, Mara wondered if this was such a good idea.

"You eat?"

His voice startled her and Mara turned from the window to the driver. His eyes were on the road with the exception of short glances her way. He was waiting for a reply and Mara cleared her throat, shaking her head.

"I haven't. My stuff is in the bronco."

Nathan nodded then kept hold of the wheel with one hand while reaching the arm closest to Mara into the back. Mara tried not to admire the taut muscled bicep by her face. Her face felt hot all of a sudden.

"Here." Nathan had pulled a small grocery bag into view and handed it to Mara. "It's nothing fancy but it should hold you over until we make another stop."

He went back to focusing on the road while Mara blinked at him. She looked at the bag on her lap which had a good weight to it.

Mara remembered Adam's and Ben's snack bags were just as heavy-looking. The men's appetites were a lot compared to hers. She wondered if it had to do with the muscle they all had because Rory didn't eat this much either.

As she rummaged through the bag, Mara found all sorts of goodies to choose from. She noted how many peaches and kiwis were in the bag; carrying the weight overall.

Mara peered at the agent, raising a brow. "Can I have one of these fruits?"

Nathan squinted at the road and looked to be thinking which made Mara grin a bit. She mentioned he hadn't put a restriction on any of the snacks but that if taking one of the fruit was a 'no-no' she'd understand.

The driver hesitated before shaking his head that it was fine; he didn't mind sharing.

'Right,' Mara smirked. She decided to see what else she could find the agent wasn't so attached to.

"Oo!" Mara pulled out a box of Red Vines, holding it up on purpose. "These look yummy!"

From the corner of her eye, the driver's head snapped her way. His hand shot over and snatched the box out of Mara's hands. Mara giggled at the frown he was giving her.

"Dibs," was all the man said and tucked the Red Vines on the dashboard near his side.

"So now can I have a kiwi?" Mara raised a brow, tilting her head. "That was the only box of Red Vines in here."

Nathan let out a slow breath, lowering his chin as he thought over her question. Pursing his lips, Nathan squinted and figured losing one kiwi of the many he'd bought wouldn't be that bad.

So, he let Mara have the kiwi. Scratch that. She had two more. Nathan wasn't as bothered since his Red Vines were untouched. That was where he drew the line.

In the middle of eating Hot Cheetos—something Mara said she'd never had before—Mara offered the driver some. Nathan glanced at the open bag then at Mara. He grinned, shaking his head that he was good and went back to the road.

"I have to say, Henry," Mara mumbled between chewing a handful of chips. She glanced at the handsome driver. "I never would have pegged you for someone who liked sweet fruit and Red Vines. Doesn't match you."

"Match me?" Nathan's brows rose, craning his neck forward. He checked the rearview mirror then back to the front part of the road.

Mara nodded. "Yeah. I mean that when first looking at you, you are all rough edges but then you tend to show a side to you that is kind of... sweet."

The Bodyguard REWRITTEN (B.O.C. 1)Where stories live. Discover now