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Mara stared out the diner window, squinting to see how far out she could see. It wasn't much. She sighed, looking down at her fingers wrapped around the belly of a stout mug of hot chocolate. It had cooled enough to not burn her fingers, but it was still warm. She might need to have it warmed again.

It felt nice to be out of the car. Mara and Nathan had been in the car for two days straight with only making stops for the restroom or refilling the gas tank of the car.

Even if she was cramped up in the car so long, Mara could not complain about the company. Mara was giddy of Nathan being with her. Everywhere they went, Nathan made sure to keep his eyes and ears alert for anything suspicious. But it was those occasional moments when the handsome agent locked those green-grays on her that made Mara's heart melt.

Mara bit her lip with a smile, squeezing the mug in her grasp and replayed the few times Nathan had randomly pulled off to the side of the road, just to kiss her. What always started out as sweet kisses turned fervent for the pair. Nathan and Mara made use of the backseat, entangling themselves until they reached that trembling peak.

When they had made their first stop at a gas station so Mara could buy snacks for them (a needed pack of Red Vines was priority for Nathan), Nathan refilled the gas tank and gave Mara money to head into the little store. While in line, Mara's attention was drawn to the display behind the female clerk.

Mara waited for her turn to inquire how much the boxes behind the clerk were. She might have made the woman uncomfortable with Mara's questions of 'what size was the right size' to purchase. With the clerk unhelpful, Mara asked if she could have a box of each.

The clerk's brows shot up, looking at the display of condoms then back to Mara. Mara smiled, waiting until the clerk provided the boxes and gave Mara the total.

"Oh..." Mara frowned, realizing she didn't have enough. She told the clerk she'd be right back, leaving the items on the counter and ran to the car. Nathan was leaning on the hood of the car, thumbing through his phone.

Mara quickly asked, "Henry, can I, please, have ten more dollars?" She held out her hand, raising her brows.

"Ten more? I gave you a twenty..." Nathan glanced at the store. "What are you buying, Mara?"

He was pulling out his wallet, frowning as he handed her the money and Mara rose onto her toes, kissing his cheek. She didn't answer him, just thanking him and scurried back to the store.

The clerk who was watching Mara returned a smirk after Mara smiled and panting, "Here you go!" and held out the ten dollars. The woman raised a brow, pursing her mouth to the side and glanced out the window.

"You know, Honey, if you don't mind me saying, I think—after seeing your fellow out there," the clerk nodded at the window and Mara looked in the same direction. The clerk mused, "That you won't be needing just two boxes." She obliged by providing a few more boxes onto the counter. Mara lifted her gaze from the boxes to the clerk who winked that it was a good guess that 'Mara's man' had stamina.

After her purchase, Mara took the change and the bags before running back to Nathan. The agent's brows furrowed, asking what the hell Mara bought.

"What we need," was all the brunette said. She dug in the bag, handing over the two boxes of Red Vines for Nathan.

So when that first temptation on the side of the road came up, Mara presented the boxes to Nathan who laughed at the short versioned story Mara told. But he was grateful Mara thought for the both of them before they got tied up in the backseat.

The Bodyguard REWRITTEN (B.O.C. 1)Where stories live. Discover now