Chapter 2 Part 2 Let There Be Magic

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An hour later I and Eina were walking back home. The streets were darker than usual as we walked up a side street. I could feel many sets of eyes intent on doing us harm as we walked down the quiet streets. My fists clenched to prevent myself from shaking in fear. "Eina, run towards the twilight manor."

"What!?" Her face went pale at Bell's warning.

"Run with all your might toward the manor. We're being followed."

Eian face was full of fear. We skipped the road that led to her house and started running east. With a crack the lights were shattered in front of us and four shadows started walking toward us from all angles. The same four men from the pub, still drunk, wounded and angry.

"Now what little bastard. You think you can take on four level 2s. I am gonna get my money back from your woman and kill you in front of her when I am done. Got no friends around you now."

"I would rather die than let you touch me." Eina shouted at the top of her lungs.

"We won't let that happen. I want to play with you." The man's vulgar smile widened.

"Start your chant. I will protect you Eina." I stepped in front of her with knives drawn.

"Earth split asunder. Sheen of iron. Upheave the very rock and stone beneath my toe. Gnome, Incarnate of the land." The men noticed the magic radiating off her body and started to lunge forward.

I noticed a cart next to a vendor's stall. I grabbed the handles and twisted around to throw it at the two coming from behind. They were caught off guard by the random tactic and were buried by its contents.

The front two charged. I blocked the underling's strike and landed a slice up his leg. Narrowly dodged the leader's blade which cut a few pieces of hair instead of my skull. I dodged the underling's next strike and jumped up to knee him in the face. The man was disoriented.

"He's not that strong." The leader mocked angrily, raising his longsword into the air and bringing it down with devastating force.

 I was barely able to block the overhead slash and pincered the blade between both of mine. My knee buckled and went to the ground.  If they were in better condition, I would have died then and there.

The three underlings got to their feet with smug grins as their leader had Bell pinned. The other man in the front lunged for the rabbit's unprotected chest.

*Crunch! Boom!*

A crater formed where he was standing. The man was smacked into the pavement by a female elf wearing a green hood and wielding a wooden sword. She was a blur to the drunken men.  Ryu quickly launched herself in a blink of an eye toward the leader, landing a blow against his stomach and then kicking him in the face. She finished him off by clocking him in the abdomen with her wooden sword. The man was rendered unconscious on the ground. The two in the back were stunned to see their own being taken out by a 3rd party.

"Rain down your missiles and extinguish the light. Midgard's Twilight." Eina focused on her chant and released her earth magic. Bricks, rocks, and dirt gather together in two large mounds, Eina aimed her hand at the shocked men. A huge explosion rattled the streets from her attack, knocking them both out.

"How dare you!!!!!!!" Eina screamed. She went up to the leader and delivered a devastating kick to his groin that woke him for a second. Then his body went limp with his tongue out of his mouth. Eina rushed to grab Bell who had absorbed most of the damage. Her body was shaking as she supported his weight. "Are you okay?"

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