Chapter 2 Part 1 Let There Be Magic

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Note:  Not sure what's going on with the doujin.  Haven't heard from the artist in almost 2 months.


"Seed of the Alf!!!!" 

I covered up my body under the sheets as both Riveria and Eina still naked on their knees looked down at the paper. Then they stared back at me like hungry amazons. My face was redder than a tomato under their piercing hungry stares.

"Geez you just took two of my women from me and you can still make a smile of an innocent kid. Bye the smell and their faces, you did a very thorough job at it too." Loki chuckled.

"Aaaaaahe-he." I scratched the back up my head nervously making my two new wives giggle.

"He just gets nervous." Eina rubbed my leg.

"That he did Loki." Riveria smiled wide making Loki surprised by the change in her oldest daughter.

"Goddess L-Loki I won't abuse that skill. I will only follow the direction of my new wives want me to take." I bowed my head nervously toward Loki.

"I don't sense a lie, but I bet you're gonna be a handful." Loki deadpanned.

"Uhhh what happened? Please tell me it was all a nightmare." Alicia slowly got up from the ground.  She froze in place seeing her two naked fellow elven women staring at a covered-up naked human boy.  She noticed the dried body fluids on them and the bed. 

"No. No. No. This human cannot have defiled the Princess and my friend." Her eyes were wide in shock and anger.

"Good morning." I waved slowly with an unshakeable grin on my face.  "I-I remember you from the arena." I saw the look on the beautiful elfess face hoping to smooth things over.

"I should kill you where you lay human for defiling them."  Alicia's fists were balled and her whole body was shaking

Riveria stood up from the bed showing all her flawless body and put herself in Alicia's path, as Eina snuggled up to my right shoulder holding me close. Both Alicia and Loki were absorbing every inch of the elf princess with their widen eyes. 

"You will not do any such thing, Alicia.  I and Eina willingly chose Bell as our husband.  I will do anything to protect him."  Riveria narrowed her eyes at the blond elf.

"W-Why Lady Riv-?" Alicia was on the verge of tears as her ears drooped downward.  "You're our princess."

"I have despised my royal title, especially my father's obsession with purity.  Eina is a perfect example of the beauty of half-elves and Bell's pure soul and determination have drawn me to him since the second I met him.  I have been falling for Bell ever since." Riveria bashfully looked back toward Eina and Bell.  "Though I guess I did get jealous of Eina and rushed things."

My smile curled wide from ear to ear.  My heart was beating like crazy staring up at my second wife that could diminish a goddess.  "I was definitely surprised."  Eina kissed my cheek.  "I refuse to let go of either of you two for as long as I live.  We love you."

"I agree."  Eina's hand rested on Bell's chest.  "I love you too.  I want to see your smile every day alongside our husband."

"I love you both."  Riveria surprised everybody in the room with how vulnerable she looked, clasping her chest with a bright red face. 

"You can't be serious!"  Alicia looked like her body was gonna give out at any second as if her strings were cut.

Eina pouted to her old friend.  "You're just gonna have to get over it, Alicia.  We are one.  Love is mysterious and we both are gonna snuggle our rabbit.  I will also be taking a more active role with the familia all because of him."

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