"Ok Kudo I need you to use your claws and cut the piece in front his body ok?" the guy with gray eyes informed the man, his name Kudo .

"Roger and when I cut off that price we need to put him on his front so that we can take the spike completely" Kudo informed looking at me with his forest pool of eyes into my grayish gold ones.

"Carson I need you to use your force field to make still the blood ok?" the man said.

"Ok" Carson's rasped voice speak only above a whisper, shaking without control.

At that moment Kudo leaned forward the injured man. He raised his hand and claws started to appear from his nails.

"Jacob this will hurt a little" he said, and with a swipe from his claws near his skin, the front price of the spike fell off. Jacob could feel the pressure because he then was trashing with pain.

Blood started to gush, and Carson used his hand and made a force field pressing the injury. They later made turned to him making him kneel as Carson take hold of him.

The other piece of spike still piercing through his back. At that time Thomas move behind Jacob.

"I'm sorry for this Jacob" he said. Only by locking at the spike, the spike abruptly got out from his body, using his hand to place it on the floor. Blood started to spill, but Carson made another force field.

"Ok hand over the vase full with water, we need to at least clean the wound" Thomas said, and at that time Mickey lifted a hand.

"Let me help you with that" he said quickly positioning himself side Jacob. He used his hand to call the water, it going to him. He then controlling a good amount of water on his both hand proceed to move to the injuries.

Carson let the force field disappear making the blood stay in place a bit. He then moved the water to its injury, Jacob trashing from pain.

"Stay still man, I'm almost done" Mickey said as the water started to turn red from the blood. At one point Thomas called to Jonathan.

"Boy I need you to use your heat powers. We need to seal the injury, can you do it?" Thomas asked sweetly knowing that he was still a boy, this type of scenery not adequate for him.

"Yeah mister" he nodded, almost not sure of what to do.

By that time Mickey cleaned the wounds and moved the water back into the vase. Kudo used an alcohol swipe and pass it though the wounds, Jacob slightly hissing. At one point I turn to see Carson again. He didn't looked good, he had a mixture of pain, sadness, grief and still anger passed all those features.

He still hasn't let go of Jacob, but I didn't care. I walked to him, kneeled beside him and hug him in the most awkward position ever.

He kind of shook a bit, startled. I hugged even tighter, making him the pressure that I was with him.

"It's going to be ok. He's a champion for resisting this much" I said to his ear.

"He is going to live" I whispered. He then moved his face to my direction.

"I know he will" he said, looking at my gold eyes. His bright green filled with pain, but something in them that I didn't quite catch.

As Kudo finished with the wipe, Jonathan moved to its side. Mickey appeared from the kitchen where he took the vase.

"Jonathan you can do it, I know you can" I said to him, knowing that he was a little worried about his powers. He looked at me and nodded. He then let his hands out, a red energy glowing in them. The heat slightly picked up, but it was from his powers.

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