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( Kaiser's looks are on top the title )

Somewhere in Berlin, was a man, who looks very young, his hair black as a ravens fethers, his heights 5'11, so he wasn't really short, he was currently carrying a bag of groceries, now you are probably wondering ,why is this person so important to point out, he's a simple civilian one would say, but in reality, he's a Kasen, a well known Kasen, one who lead multiple campaigns against the Siren aggressors, massacre there fleets in cold blood, and hold the seas against the Sirens with an iron grip, yes, he was a very telanted leader, a frontline leader with a courge, he was bold enough to charge into a Siren fleet just to bring there leaders head to the admiral, he was well known as a frontline hero, a shield for the people of his nation, and a monster of great blood lust for his enemies, but now...he's a simple civilian.

Kaiser POV.

Ah yes, Human life...what sadness.


Yep, that's how it been for me...Lonely...

I lost count of the years, ever sense I was proven ' useless'

Ever sense the German Empire started relying on Ironblood.

Our new Generation.

I entered my home, is decent sized house, ever sense I faked my sink, to avoid scrapping, just like everyone else, I may or may not head to turn to desperate solutions to buy this house.

In the night during weekends...I'm a male stripper...

Yes, I know, shameless, but like I care, there's no one to shame me for it, alongest I get money, and survive in this broken world, I'm okay.

I lost my pride and honor for my nation a long time ago, so there nothing left.

I dropped the groceries in the kitchen and went to the couch in the living room.

I turned on the TV, and to my surprised...

" Breaking news, Azur Lanes Commander, Chester Hermarn, has died, this makes the 10th commander in a row, that had died, Higher Ups are starting to complain to there high admiral about these deaths, while the Kasen's might be in danger, are we gonna lose the soldiers that guard us from the Sirens? " The news lady said.

Oh lord, eh, is not my problem, is wasn't ever sense they tried to scrap me.

Huh, though I do wonder, what is causing this.


" You did it again!!! Enterprise! how many times must you kill a Commander!!! " A blonde women said.

" As many times I need so they can consider sending better and more competent Commanders, he clearly was planning on getting one of us..." A women with a silver-ish/ white-ish hair said.

" Enterprise ple- " The blonde was cut off.

" You don't understand Wales...what they did to Hornet and Yorktown...was unforgiveable..." Enterprise said, she then left.

" Oh how we fallen...ever sense the death of Commander Erickson Fellern, we have been receiving nothing but, incompetent, perverted, and corrupted Commanders, they did thing's to us...that we had no choice...but to kill them...for years, High Admiral Jasmine Maderozo has been fighting to convince the high council to accept female Commanders, but with no progress...really soon, we might just turn on humanity...

and let them die...

* Back to Kaiser *

Still Kaiser's POV.

The Kaiser as a Commander. ( SMS Kaiser x Azur Lane ) ( Experimental book ) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon