Well damn // hi im back//

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(( hey I'm back sorry I was gone.....Again....back to da story!))
You got up of your bed and looked around....'damn it's morning' you looked down you where still ok.....thank god.
You walked down stairs to the kitchen to see your brother Eridan eating breakfast and Dualscar still on the couch.......asleep. Damn not again.
You walk around the couch and pick up the liquor bottles from the floor, and then cleaned it.
'And only part one of the day..'
You put on your leather jacket while Eridan got his stuff for school.
You see, your in the 12th grade and Eri is in the 9th, so you walk to school together to make sure you both get out alive from.....them...

You walked outside took a deep breath and started to relax a little.....then Eridan shot off like a rocket. Damn him and being the fastest one in the family. 'Vwell I'm alone today!' You smirked and started strutting down the street.(damn when did Cronus become Adam lambert?)
~~~~Time skip brought to you by Gamzee and the dark lord satan.~~~~

The bell rang for lunch finally. you put your things in your locker and went to find your friends Meenah, Krism , Rufioh , And Kurloz .
You grew up with Meenah,Rufioh and Kurloz, but Krism you met last year.you became close friends and that was it.
You met with them in the parking lot where they had already started a conversation.
" hey guys Vwhats up? "
"Hovw so?"
"Vwhats his name?"
"Kankri.....Kankri Vantas.."
Kankri......That name stuck
With you for the day......
Yay,Done, love ya bye ^^~

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