The Vanishing Glass

Start from the beginning

"And if you do succeed... well... you better hope she got at least three hours of sleep and you have a coffee next to you. Otherwise, you will be visiting the Infirmary." Warned Daphne remembering all the jinxes that came her way over the years until she learned to bring an iced cappuccino every time it was her turn to wake Violet up.

Poor Madam Pomfrey had to undo the jinxes at least twice a week. Violet would come around after she drank her coffee and apologise while offering some dessert she baked as a peace present.

Harry woke with a start. Violet gave a snort and rolled to the other side of the bed. Their aunt rapped on the door again.

"You do the same thing when we try to wake you up." Pointed out, Pansy. "But you are also kicking us in the shin."

"Yes. My technic got better." Yawned Violet and Theo automatically hugged her side to make her rest against him.

'Up!' she screeched. Harry heard her walking towards the kitchen and then the sound of the frying pan being put on the cooker. He rolled onto his back and tried to remember the dream he had been having. It had been a good one. There had been a flying motorbike in it. He had a funny feeling he'd had the same dream before.

"You dreamt the night you were brought there." Said Mrs Figg.

Violet grabbed the thin pillow that had feathers coming out and placed it on her ears to mute the voice. She dreamed of a time when a boy was offering his hand to her and they would be running through fields of wheat or sunflowers. After her tenth birthday, she kept having dreams that felt more real than they should. She could see everything around her, she could smell everything, she could feel everything but hearing the boy's voice was hard. She had to concentrate to distinguish the sounds.

The girl knew now what the dreams were and who the boy was. She smiled absently staring out the windows for a few seconds before returning her attention to what was happening.

"Are those what I think they are?" Asked the voice again.

"Yes." Responded Violet too tired to say anything else. She needed another two cups of coffee before she was willing to explain more.

"What did you dream about?" Asked Lavender from the Gryffindor table.

"It was said in the description." Replied a Slytherin before Violet could. She smiled gratefully at Flint before closing her eyes for a second.

Their aunt was back outside the door.

'Are you up yet?' she demanded.

"Yes, they also painted the bedroom to resemble the Sistine Chapel." Huffed Remus with barking Snuffles on his lap.

"Shush, Snuffles. She is asleep." Whispered Theo petting Violet's hair while she slept on his shoulder. He accioed her a fluffy blanket from her bedroom and put her hair in a bun to keep it from making her sweat. He undid the first three buttons of her shirt and took off her tie. Comfortable clothes appeared for him and her to change into once she was awake.

Harry watched from afar how a boy they knew for only five years helped his sister feel safe enough to fall asleep on him. She never allowed herself to do that with him. She wouldn't let people see her vulnerable often.

'Nearly,' said Harry.

'If I wasn't how could I have answered you.'

"Jesus. So she was always this sassy." Commented Blaise.

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