Chapter Fifteen

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When I woke up the next morning Mary was no where to be found and Anastasia and Drizella were still fast asleep in their rooms. Both of them, miraculously, alone. I yawned as I started my usual morning chores. Feed the chicken, feed the dog, start of breakfast, start in laundry, blah blah blah.

When I was wiping off the kitchen counters I noticed a note from Mary:


I will be gone all day today. The girls will be in their rooms and won't be needing any of your services today. Finish your chores and tend to the gardens.


My eyes widened at the note. Was this... Did I actually have a day to myself for once? Well, I had already finished most of my usual chores, and checking the yard wasn't going to take too long. Maybe I'd actually be able to go to the market today and work at that car shop again for some more money!

I got dressed quickly in a pair of jeans and a light blue t-shirt before grabbing my bike and helmet. The car still wasn't working and Mary had taken the other one. And not that I really minded, it was a beautiful day outside and I had just downloaded some new music.

Before I thought though, Jack-Jack squeaked at me and started running around frantically.

  "What it is? What? Well, whatever it is it's going to have to wait until I get back. I don't want to spend another moment in this place if I don't have to. Be good!"

And I stepped onto the pedals and coasted off.

The Mice

I groaned and watched as Ella pedaled further and further away from us. She needed to know what was going on before she got back and Mary surprised her!

I ran around in another circle and Marcie walked up to me slowly.

  "You need to calm down, she's a strong girl. If the Queen's plans work we'll just go to the palace with Ella and watch her there. We haven't broken our seal yet, stop fretting." She scolded.

I frowned and sat down. "But if I can prevent it or soften the blow I want to! Ella doesn't deserve this..."

Marcie laid her paw on my shoulder and gave me a shrug. "No one deserves bad things to happen to them, but sometimes they just happen. That's life darling."

I frowned and stood up. "That doesn't mean I have to accept it." And I ran inside.

The Prince

The guards were sent out at exactly sunrise and began searching the town for E. I woke up earlier than normal and paced around my room, anxious for news. When Sam walked in with breakfast I almost jumped on him, hoping he had some news.

"No sir, I don't I'm afraid. However I don't think it would be an awful idea if you went into town yourself. It'll get you out of your room as well," he suggested, pouring me a cup of coffee.

I nodded slowly, picking up the cup and taking a long drink. I had wanted to go into the market and see if I could find Ella. She owed me an explanation of why she wasn't at the ball last night. "Alright Sam, I'll go. Will you come with?"

"Of course sir, I'll go get the car." He turned and left my room, and I got dressed quickly in a polo and slacks, slipping on some loafers. I combed back my hair and made my way hurriedly to the the front of the palace where Sam was waiting with the car.

The drive seemed to take hours as we drove to the market and stopped at the curb. People were looking curiously at the car, wondering why the Prince was back at the market. No one stopped though to hammer me with questions, and I was again reminded of how much I loved this country and how the people respected the the Royal family just like normal people. I smiled and nodded to a few woman with their kids and bought some fruit from an elderly woman sitting on a stool with a bunch of crates around her filled with apples and peaches and oranges. It was starting to become hot outside and I noticed the woman didn't have any shelter around her to block her from the sun so I bought a large umbrella and set it up for her, despite her many protests.

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