Chapter Thirty-Four

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Rooster's POV

Now Rooster was the one who couldn't sleep. He didn't keep pestering Haley after she turned away from him. He didn't think she was angry, but more frustrated. He was too, he didn't like the idea of being sent off on separate orders. He'd meant it when he had told Hangman a few weeks back that he'd marry her right then and there if she would, but this wasn't the same circumstance. The only reason she had brought it up was to keep them together in the same place. He didn't want to go through with that and maybe her end up feeling like it had just been done on impulse. He wanted it because they felt like it was time, not because they were racing against a clock. Besides, he felt like she deserved an actual proposal. Not an anxiety ridden speech in the middle of the night.

Haley had finally fallen asleep, he could tell by how still she had finally become. He didn't want to just continue to lay there awake, so he carefully slipped out of bed. He figured he'd go downstairs for a little bit. He grabbed his phone just to occupy himself and left the room as quietly as possibly. He didn't expect to find someone else awake at this time of night. Sabrina was perched on a stool at the counter, eating chips.

"What are you doing up?" Rooster asked her. He hadn't been alone with Sabrina too many times, so it felt a little strange to just be the two of them.

"I could ask you the same thing." Sabrina answered. She kicked out the stool next to her for him to sit at. "Jake snores. I couldn't take it anymore." She added, giving the actual reason.

Rooster snorted as he sat down. "Good to know." He'd mentally catalog that for blackmail. He saw Sabrina looking at him, probably wanting an explanation.

"I know Haley doesn't share that trait so," Sabrina pushed her chip bag in his direction, offering it. She was implying she knew he wasn't seeking asylum from a sleeping bear in his room.

    "She talks in her sleep sometimes." Rooster commented but that wasn't enough to send someone running. He shook his head and she pulled the bag back toward her. He debated on whether to say anything to her about what had just happened. He didn't want to ask her to keep it between them, but he also didn't really want Haley to hear about it from Sabrina either. Sabrina seemed to be studying his expression. He knew not much slipped past her, especially when it came to her best friend.

"What did you do?" Sabrina finally asked.

"What makes you think I did something?" Rooster felt a little insulted she assumed he had fucked up some how. His tone sounded defensive.

"You came down here looking like a sad, golden retriever." Sabrina took a bite of a chip. "You can tell me what you did and I can either help you get back into her good graces, or depending what happened, I may kick your ass."

The idea of Sabrina kicking his ass was comical, given her size, but he didn't laugh. "I didn't do anything. So you can put your claws away." Rooster answered. "We had a disagreement. And she didn't like my response." He trended cautiously on what he said. He knew now she had a boyfriend to report to (or whatever the hell they were to each other), that happened to be related to his girlfriend.

"About?" Sabrina inquired.

Rooster sighed. "Look, it's between us. I appreciate that you look out for her, but I don't think she'd want you in the middle of it. Especially not me telling you." He said, "But I didn't do anything to hurt her. At least not intentionally. I don't know what she was thinking honestly. She shut down and I gave her space."

Sabrina looked like she wanted to press further. Rooster knew she meant well, but he didn't want to drag her in the middle of it. "Okay. If she wants to tell me she will. So you may still have an ass kicking in your future," Sabrina began, "But I am sure whatever it is, it'll work itself out. I can tell you that she's never been like this about anyone else. She's been in love with you a lot longer than I think even she realized. I saw it." She paused for a moment. "I think sometimes that scares her. She'd never admit it but she's afraid of losing people she gets close to. After her parents. Which isn't an excuse, but it explains a lot of her choices."

    Rooster wasn't entirely surprised to hear that. He had always suspected it. She wasn't an easy person to get let in by. The first part of their friendship had showed that, but he had met her where she was at. Sabrina didn't know it, but that was the theme of the conversation he and Haley just had. "I'm not going anywhere." Rooster commented.

    "Then you may live to see another day." Sabrina joked, though Rooster knew she wouldn't think twice about ending him if he hurt Haley. He imagined it would be a painful end too. "They both act tough, but they don't like being vulnerable. Jake is worse, but Haley has some of it too. I just thought you should know." She told him.

    Rooster felt like she was asking him to be patient with Haley when she got scared about things. He knew he always tried to reassure her. He could understand it to an extent, he was without parents too. He didn't want to lose Haley either. The whole conversation tonight brought up a lot for both of them. He knew he absolutely wanted a future with her, but agreeing to marry her for the sake of getting orders together felt like taking advantage of her vulnerability. Rooster knew how she felt, but she had never expressed wanting to get married that soon until now. He had suspected it had to do with what Sabrina had just described.

    "Thanks." Rooster said, "For the talk." He oddly felt a little better after the short conversation with Sabrina. He got up from the stool and headed over to the stairs.

    "And Bradley," Sabrina began and Rooster paused on the stairs, turning back to face her. "I really will kick your ass if you ever hurt her."

    "I wouldn't expect anything less." Rooster answered, before disappearing back upstairs. He had to admire that she was such a fierce friend for Haley.

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