Chapter Thirteen

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    The following morning, Haley headed home pretty early. Rooster dropped her off before some errands he was running. She already missed him, but she had plans that she had to commit to. She changed into workout clothes and headed out of the house. Sabrina wasn't home, but that wasn't unusual for her.

    Haley headed down to the sidewalk where Jake was waiting for her. He was shirtless and in running shorts. "Morning, twin." Haley greeted as she approached her brother. They had plans to go for a run that morning then grab something to eat. "Looking to attract a mate?" She inquired, thinking it was ridiculous to run without a shirt on. It wasn't that hot. She had on a sports bra and shorts, but she was mostly covered.

    "I can do that fully clothed like a piece of cake. This is just a preview." Jake answered with a grin. They both took a few minutes to stretch a little before heading out. Despite their bantering, things were fine between them since the day before with the exercise. They got competitive sometimes and neither knew how to reel it in.

    Haley leaned over to stretch, and her ponytail moved off her neck where it had been. Jake looked over at her and leaned over. "What have we here?" He asked, looking amused. "Little old for hickeys, aren't we?"

    Haley's eyes widened. What? She thought to herself. She had been in a hurry to get home and change to go running, she hadn't looked herself over much in the mirror. She walked over to a parked car on the street, using the rearview mirror to see what Jake was going on about. Sure enough, there was a bruise on her neck. It felt like high school all over again. She was going to murder Rooster.

"Flat iron," Haley lied, not well though.

"Right." Jake responded, clearly not buying it. "So what amateur did that little number?"

Haley walked back from the car mirror. "It was nothing. And he wasn't an amateur." She replied, "And this conversation is finished." Number one, she didn't want to discuss her sex life any further with her brother. Second, she didn't want to lie to him either about Rooster. Well, lie anymore than she had already.

Jake tilted his head as he stood up. "Then someone wanted to leave a mark." He didn't press further, mostly just seemed to find it amusing. That was one good thing about their relationship, they were open with each other, but also knew when not to press further. They were respectful to one another in that manner.

Haley was about to argue the point, but again didn't want to say anything else. She wasn't sure when she'd feel ready to tell him about her and Rooster. He could be fine with it. She thought for a moment. She could try to find out she supposed. "Let's go," She took off in a jog down the street.

Jake followed behind her, catching up to her. The two kept the same pace as they headed out on their run. Thankfully it wasn't too hot yet. It was September, which tended to still be warm outside there, but the mornings were a little cooler. It was Haley's favorite time of year. She knew it was a little cliché, but she had always loved it.

"So what do you think of the class so far?" Haley asked casually. They hadn't really talked about it, so it was a legitimate question.

"Obviously you and are tops," Jake answered, to which Haley added, "Obviously."

"Phoenix is pretty good. I'd never say that to her face, but she is." Jake commented, as they turned a corner. They were heading down toward the beach. It was almost empty this time of the morning. "Coyote has stuff to work on and a few other seem to have potential."

"What about Rooster?" Haley finally asked, nonchalantly. She quickened her pace a little to keep up with her brother. She was having to go twice as fast being shorter.

"Never should have been let in. Too slow, too careful. You can't fly like that here." Jake answered, "Not to mention I just don't like him, I don't respect him. Either fly like you have a purpose or get out."

There it was, Haley thought. "He's not that bad if you get to know him. People could say the same about us." She pointed out. She knew they weren't always well liked with their overconfidence. People tended to like Haley more, she wasn't always as obnoxious as her brother could be.

"The difference is, I don't care what people think of me. As long as I'm the best. Hanging back like him doesn't get you picked for missions," Jake told her. "And I don't have to like him either. The only reason you became friends with him was you have a soft spot for broken things."

That comment stung. Haley kept jogging and didn't respond. She honestly wasn't sure what to say to that. She didn't see Rooster as a broken thing. She knew he tended to stick to himself and didn't open up easy, but that didn't make him broken. He'd been through things, so had she, so she understood not always letting people in. The two continued their run, chatting about various things. They ran in silence some too. They finished at a shop where they both got a protein shake. They stood out on the deck of the shop that overlooked the water.

"Do you think mom and dad would be proud of us?" Haley asked, looking out at the water. She took a few sips from her shake. She wondered that often. Their accident had been right after she and Jake started the Naval Academy. She didn't mention it, but her friendship with Rooster was one thing that helped her through it. Jake had isolated himself then. She felt like sometimes he hid behind his persona that he put on. Not always, some of that was just Jake Seresin. But there were other times Haley could tell that it was a mask.

Jake didn't look over at her either. The topic of their parents wasn't one they brought up too often. They had both handled their grief differently. "Yeah, I do." He finally said. "You know I am proud of you too, right?" He asked. He looked over at her. "I don't say it enough, but I am. And look where we are."

"The beach?" Haley remarked, knowing he meant Top Gun. At that she felt her hair being ruffled. "Hey!" She said, leaning back away from him laughing.

"Thanks, though." Haley added more seriously.

"And?" Jake asked, "Where's my, 'you're a kick ass fighter pilot, Jake. You'll definitely finish top of the class'?"

"I don't tell lies, Jakey." Haley answered, sticking her tongue out at her brother. She used to call him that when they were growing up. He always hated it and that had amused her. "That plaque will have my name on it."

"We'll see, sis. We'll see."

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