Chapter one: The outline

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"Rayna, don't forget your outline is due tomorrow! Everyone turned theirs in but yours is still missing; if I don't have it, you'll get a zero, got it?" my art teacher says.

"Yeah, I'm almost finished." I reply.

I'm lying. I'm not even close to finishing. As a matter of a fact, I haven't even started. I don't have a model. Everyone I asked so far told me no. Rude, right? There's this one guy in my math class though and he's pretty good looking. He's the "quiet, hot, rich, loner" type you know? I'll just ask him.

"Hey, can you be my model for my painting class?" I ask him straight up.

He looks up at me from his book, "why?"

"I need a model to paint." I respond blankly. He can't be that slow.

"No, I know that but why me?" he closes his book and sits up straight. 

"Well, 'cause you have a nice build and you look easy to draw."

My old foster mother used to tell me I was as bold as a painting so that's why I started to do it.

"Okay then. What's in it for me?" he questions while poking his tongue through his cheek.

"I don't know... what do you want?" I fold my arms.



"I beg your pardon?"

"I need you to play girlfriend with me for a night." he answers.

"Me? Why me?" I scrunch my eyebrows.

"Why not you?"

"What? Are you trying to make a girl jealous or something?" I grin a little.

"No, but under the circumstances, I wish that was the case. My parents are trying to put me in an arranged marriage but if I have a girlfriend, I think it'll shut it down."

"But you're in high school. You're too young to be worried about marriage, man." I state.

"Tell that to my money hungry parents. Do we have a deal?"

I'd say no but i'm desperate and in dying need of a model.

"Yeah. Meet me at my place after school." I nod.

"What's your address?" he asks while taking his phone out.

"Just give me your number and I'll text it to you." I take my phone out.

"You're moving pretty fast, aren't you? We're supposed to be faking so don't fall for me now, beauty." he smirks while grabbing my phone.

After he puts his number in, he walks away. He saved his contact as, "Idrian❤️". I thought his name was Spencer? Even so, why the heart? Pretending my ass.


School was one hell of a drag. I'm at home and I have everything set up and my apron is wrapped tight. I'm ready.

A knock hits my door. Must be "Idrian". I open the door and see him standing in white air forces, white nike shorts and a black wife beater. He has two full sleeves too. Damn, he's actually a little attractive.

"Stop staring, Ray-Ray. We're only pretending, remember?" he grins.

I scoff, "says the one giving me pet names. Sit down on the wooden stool right there." I say while turning around.

I had my back facing him while I was grabbing my pallet with led on it but when I turn around, I see him shirtless. He has a few more tattoos on his abdomen.

"What are you doing?!" I shout out of embarrassment while turning my head.

"You said you needed a model; I'm modeling." he shrugs as if it's no big deal. Yeah, I said that but it's so weird.

"Okay, then. Pose for me." I say while removing my knife spatula from behind my ear.

"You said that in the most non-innocent way and I'm kinda feeling it." he grins. What a damn hypocrite.

"We're just pretending," he said. "don't fall for me," he said. "blah-blah-blah" then what is this?

He has a beautiful build though. All abs but a tiny waist. A waist I'm sure every girl desires to have.


I've been attempting to draw him for an hour and a half and it's not as easy as I thought it'd be. Everything is fine besides his freaking abs.

I sigh heavily.

"What's wrong?" he asks concerned.

"Your abs are the problem. They're so hard to draw and I need to be finished this outline by tomorrow."

"Let me see how it's-" he starts to stand but the position he's in right now makes it so much easier for me so I shout,

"Stop! Stay right there and don't move not one muscle."


I just finished and I couldn't be any more happier. It took a total of four hours and some change to finish. He's about to leave now.

"We have to go to my parents house for dinner tomorrow at eight and i'll be here at six thirty so be ready." he states while putting his wife beater back on.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Get out and shut the door behind you." I wave him off.

"No goodbye?" he said that so slowly and it's making my stomach feel fluttery. I'm not used to that.

"Bye. Exit."

"You know you got butterflies. Don't forget about our date, beauty." he walks over the threshold.

"It's not a date, asshat!" I shout after him.

"Maybe not but you wish it was; goodnight." then he shuts the door. What a jerk.

I'm lying down and I'm just now realizing that I completely forgot to ask him about his name. I pick up my phone and text him:

Me: "what's up with ur name?"

he responds immediately:

Idrian❤️: "what do you mean"

Me: "i thought ur name was Spencer."

Idrian❤️: "it is"

Me: "so why's ur name Idrian in my phone?"

Idrian❤️: "Idrian is my middle name. i prefer to go by that,"

Me: "why?"

Maybe I shouldn't pry but my curiosity is getting the best of me.

Idrian❤️: "my mother calls me Spencer and i don't like her so Idrian is all i have left"

yeah, I should've minded my business.

Me: "oh okay. sorry for asking. goodnight."

Idrian❤️: "it's okay. goodnight"

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