Never Stay Angry

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"Get them." Arkkello replies to his hired minions. They were close to a river channel flowing in front Zenith ocean and Tecna go an incoming attack close range her to the rocky wall. Her arms were unable to move as the opponent was holding them against the wall. She shrieks as a grappling hook further reduced her movement tightening around her head and arms and aiming for the chin of her attacker she threw her knee into it causing him to be stunned and tumble backwards. She had done a rarely used Karate movement the knee kick or knee strike, or more formally known as Hiza Geri.

"Impressive, Tecna." said the man with a plain flute. He kicked her onto the ground and she fell onto the rocky ground on her back, he bent over her, he touched her getup, she gritted her teeth she would not moan like some hapless helpless lovesick girl.

"I can see why you like it so soft so protective from all the pains of the physical emotions, Miss Zenith." He shrieked when she hit him in the thigh by turning her heel of her boot into his skin cutting through the clothes as he stumbled back and she suddenly laughed as she stood up. "Look how the tables just turnt on you, Legendary Master Pied Piper have me has your lovely girl! Never ever gonna happen." She was standing over him towering and said. "That tactic is also this the Fumikomi or the Stomping Kick which doesn't always mean using just feet."
She stepped on his leg. He groaned immediately after mumbling the following sentence, well you'll find out.

"Your parents are headed the same place where my Mistress helped me kill Helia's parents, Tecna, you aren't gonna find them here."

Then he disappeared laughing loudly.
A green portal from Lynphea opened up it was Mielle Heartwoods, Flora's little adopted sister the Fairy of Pollens.

"Hey, Tecna, I know where the other Winx have to go to know what the next transformation after onyrix and what it's called I don't know what it means but someone dead would that's what the Sage of Nature told me, Tecna. I do know it will give you guys an edge against Jasper here in the Magic Dimension. Part of the book I was reading it was part of the information was torn from it there was a sentence that trailed off. "The power of the strongest Ture of enix. someone coloured over the words to avoid it being read perhaps."

"How did you know we were looking for another transformation, Mielle?"

"Flora told me, she's still my sister and I'll always love her like one anyway." Mielle stated calmly. "Why are we underground? And hey, Ogron. Tecna also what in the hell are you wearing?!"

"This it's from Prince James' family from the other world, Frieda's friend." Tecna says. "Tripple disengage systems."

"Affirmative, Tecna." Tripple took off attack system.

"I don't even know where to begin looking Ogron." says Tecna. "That wasn't barely even a good hint. Alfred?! Guessing he poofed out as usual back to his cave. I've got to get my company members to come with me to Vastillo. I'll be on Rainbow Valley shortly." Tecna told Ogron. "Thanks, Mielle."

Marion walked into her daughter's room on Domino.

"Bloom you've been neglecting Eraklyon for five years. You've got to stop sulking." It was hard to tell it was Flare even from someone who knew her good side so well as Bloom's eyes got hot golden when healing someone or losing her own temper and firing on her opponents, the irises of her eyes were not always forming in slits like those of a snake's and here she was cool gold eyes because she was calm and her eyes had not formed slits more like some wide eyed round cat. The slits only appeared when Darkar took over this form of hers begrudgingly against her will.

"Mother, Ravono is doing both school and politics of Eraklyon kingdom it will be fine." Flare said all collected, and straight face. "Plus plenty of relatives are there to help him with these tasks including Skyla."

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