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All I could remember was us sitting in the backseat of our friends car on New Year's Eve, it was hardly midnight yet my mind was already fuzzy and your hand already brushed through my hair at least three times that night. I looked at you with your dirty blonde locks and your older sisters lipstick on, the color of cherries all smothered and muddled on your lips from when my mouth was pressed against yours. Your eyes were glazed over and you were telling me about your favorite soundtracks as I listened and nodded between each puff of smoke ; truly enough, all I could think was how a pool of the moon seeped in through the windowpane and drowned in your eyes with dewy blues and greens. Our friends cursed our names as I asked them to pull over near the interstate, the rain drenched us as our hair and clothes clung to our skin and cars honked as they drove by our reckless endeavors. Each foot on either side of the crack that separated New York and Massachusetts, our hands were already enveloping each other as we took unsteady breaths and kissed until our lips felt numb. Fingertips raw from the cold rain, tongues greedy for the others, feet in puddles of saltwater, my chest rising and falling each breath dire and long, and the sound of the leaves in the trees swaying with the harsh May winds.

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