chapter sixteen

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"how is he?" heeseung asked as soon as he saw her.

"he didn't wake up" they all looked dissapointent "you should all go home, it's getting late and it doesn't seem like he's going to wake up very soon."

"we should still stay" kai said, all of them agreed.

"just go" eunseong seemed as tired as they were, she didn't have energy to talk to them "you will visit him tomorrow, he will probably wake up by then."

"let us know when he wakes up, then" heeseung said "and you should rest too, especially your mum."

"we will so don't worry."

they slowly left the hospital, still not sure if it's okay. they walked together through the town, not talking much. they were sad, scared and tired.

"jay is strong. he can't leave like that" taehyun suddenly said.

"right? he would think that it's lame" jake joked, trying to cheer everyone up "when he wakes up, he will make fun of himself for that."

"when he wakes up, we should give him a gift" kai said.

"that's a pretty good idea" sunghoon agreed "what should we get him?"

"maybe a new game? does he likes playing games?" kai thought, not being able to remember.

"he apparently likes playing gta" heeseung said "i heard him talking something about it between the lines."

"we should buy something similiar then" kai took out his phone from the pocket "my noona really likes games, i will ask her if she knows any cool games."

they were talking about a gift for jay for the rest of the walk to their houses, and even though it seemed like they cheered up a little, they were scared like never.

as soon as heeseung got home, he layed on his bed and started crying. he wanted to do something, but there was nothing he could do in that situation. jay was in a horrible condition and nobody could do anything.

if something happens to him, i won't live through it.


heeseung was lying in his bed, he couldn't fall asleep. it was already 4 am.

millions of thoughts went through his head. he wanted to think positively, but he couldn’t. he was constantly surrounded by terrible negative thoughts.

he went out into the garden to watch the sunrise while sitting on grass. he couldn’t even smile when he saw the sun’s rays behind the horizon. he was feeling like a zombie. his eyes were pinching and his heart was aching.

now he felt like he could sleep. on the grass, together with the rising sun.

he refrained from closing his eyes when he heard the ringing of his phone, he looked at the screen and picked up when he saw the name of eunseong on it.

"hello?" he said half-asleep. at this point he didn't know what was happening.

"h-heeseung oppa" heeseung was greeted by eunseong's shaky voice. he didn't pay much attention to it since he was almost sleeping.

heeseung waited for eunseong to said anything as he was laying on the grass, slowly closing his eyes.

"i'm so sorry" she said.

what is she sorry about heeseung thought, smiling to himself. his eyes were closed, he was ready to fall asleep.

"jay passed away."

heeseung became dizzy. he got up to the sitting position right away.

"w-what?" the boy laughed to himself.

"they preparing his body to go to the hospital mortuary" she cried "he died! oppa died!" she screamed loudly. heeseung could hear people around her calming her down.

heeseung stood up on both of his feet but he lost balance and was laying on the ground again.

just like his mind was full before, now his head was empty. he didn’t know what was going on. he even tried to convince himself that it was all a stupid dream that he would wake up from after a while.

"there's no way" heeseung laughed to himself "that's a lie" he laughed even louder "he didn't die" his eyes got teary "you didn't die!" he screamed as loud as he could "you didn't die, jay! you did not!"

heeseung ended up laying on the ground, crying and screaming.

𝗧𝗢𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗚 【 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗷𝗮𝘆 】Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz