The unexpected.

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'NOOO..!' The sound of Gabriel Agreste's voice echoed throughout his lair and caused a dramatic fall from his assistant , Nathalie Sancoeur. 
G- 'Nathalie ! Are you okay ?' he exclaimed as he caught her fragile, little body and held her close towards him as an attempt of comfort.
N-'Yes sir, im fine . ' she sighed as he stared at her uncontrollably.
G- 'You just need some rest, you are seriously damaging yourself .' he said .
D- 'MISS NATHALIE ? ' shrieked Duusu and turned to look at the affection being given to Nathalie from her holder's boss, what Duusu thought was her most desired dream.
G- 'Duusu please be quiet youre going to make her feel worse.' Duusu's face instantly was wiped with pure fear from the stare she received from the angry, tall man that could destroy her in a second without a worry , she began to cry into Nooroo's shoulder and didnt stop until Nooroo quietly comforted her leading her to prevent herself from anymore tears.
G-'Here let me help you Natha-'
N- ' No sir im fine i can handle myself' she interrupted whilst bringing herself to stand and walk out into her office.   She noticed it was late and began to start to pack her things away until Gabriel decided to say something.
G- 'Nathalie , please stay for the night you're not well and it doesn't feel right leaving you on your own.'
N-'Well i cant fall if im in bed sir , i'll be fine .' she smiled at him then clipped her bag together and left the mansion .

                2:35 am - Wednesday 15th May
                            Nathalie's POV:...

N thoughts- Is that my alarm ? Oh god no have i overslept i always wake up before my alarm! -
She jumped out of her bed to cancel her alarm but realised it was a phone call from her boss , Mr Agreste. She answered the call...
N- 'Sir is everything okay ?'
G-'Come to the mansion ASAP.'
N-' Sir , what is going o-'
He had ended the call. She stared at her empty phone screen whilst endless thoughts entered her head and made her start to wonder what could've possibly happened.
N thoughts- Do you think- no it cant be . Unless ... No stop being stupid Nathalie . The quickest way to get there is using Mayura.-

A few minutes later she arrived at Gabriel's balcony and slid the door open, then de transformed.  She was still in her long , silk pajamas but she didnt really mind because the thought of what she hoped becoming reality really excited her.  She flew out of her bosses room and down the stairs and to her surprise, what she had dreamed of happening happened.
She froze at the top of the grand stair case that rested in the Agreste Mansion, and glared at the bottom wondering if she was dreaming.

N- Emilie ?..

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