" Thank you, hyung "

They were all happy but Junseo wasn't and they noticed.

" Junseo-ya, Yohan is okay. We'll save him soon "

Yongha reassured him and gave him a light squeeze on the hand.

" Alright, hyung. It's just that I promised to get better and save him with you guys and the public "

They all nodded. The room was quiet when Seokhwa exclaimed in excitement.  They all looked confused.

" What's wrong with you, chick? "

Yongha looked at his boyfriend weirdly.

" Guys, the public! They can help us get Yohan back "

" But wouldn't that he more riskier. They could find us or even Junseo "

" But it'll work "

" Seokhwa, no. It's too dangerous "

" What? No! Come on, guys! "

" Babe, no. It's too risky "

" We don't know if we try, right? What do you say, buddy? "

Seokhwa looked at his friend desperately. Junseo looked down, he didn't really agree on it. He didn't wanna go anywhere near that place.

" You don't agree too? "

Seokhwa's face darkened as he pouted and sat on the sofa, looking away. Yongha just sighed and sat beside him. 

" We get that you wanna help because you feel bad but this is something that we can't interrupt yet. Just be patient, alright? "

He reassured and gave the boy a peck on the head. Seokhwa nodded and laid on his lap. The boy was sleepy so he just decided to rest.

Yongha patted him to sleep then walked over to the rest.

" I'm sorry about what he said " 

" It's okay, hyung. It's understandable why he wanted to do it "

" So what did the police say? Will they start investigating? "

" Yeah, they'll start tomorrow morning "

" Great! We'll finally get to see our bunny ace "

They all cheered and smiled happily. 

" I think it's time to sleep, guys. It's 12 AM already "

Daehyeon said as he checked the clock. The members nodded and prepared themselves for bed. 

" Hyung "

Junseo called out to Yongha, the older boy got up from his spot and walked to the younger. 

" What's up? "

" You sure he's gonna be alright? What if he is badly hurt? "

" Junseo, he'll be fine. We will get him in one piece so don't you bother your pretty little head and sleep "

Junseo nodded and Yongha smiled. Squeezing his arms and went back to his spot on the floor. 

The next morning

The members had woken up and looked to see the maknaes were still asleep.

Yongha chuckled at the cute baby chick beside him.

Donghan and Daehyeon casually talking when Donghan's stomach growled. 

Followed by Daehyeon and then Yongha. They all shared looks before bursting out laughing.

" I guess we're pretty hungry for them to sound this loud "

" That's true "

They were all silent, thinking of what to eat.

" How about we take out? "

" Sure "

" So where's manager hyung? "

Yongha asked as he looked at the menu Donghan sent on their chat.

" I don't know but I guess he's busy with the case "

" Then whose gonna go get the food then? "

" We'll just ask them to send it here and go get it together "

The younger boys nodded at the eldest's words. They placed their orders as well as the maknaes and waited.

Junseo's pov

I opened my eyes to a familiar scenery. This house, I know where this is.

I shook my head trying to snap out of it. This is a dream, you can't be back here.

We have guards and the hyungs are with you.  This a dream, Junseo. Now wake up please.

Author's pov

As he tried to fight his inner self, he heard a familiar voice.

The voice that would make him smile and the voice he loved.

Yohan hyung?

He heard screaming and shouting as if he needed help.

" Yohan hyung?! "

" Junseo! "

He heard a faint reply. Junseo got up and leaned his ear to the wall.

" Hyung? It's me! Junseo, I'm here! "

" You have to save me before she goes bonkers "

" What? How? When? "

" I don't know but I heard the guards talking about a plane and all. I think she's gonna try and kidnap me away "

" K-kidnap you? "

" Junseo? Junseo! "

The boy fell to his knees upon the word he heard. No no no, this is a dream! This is a dream! It has to be a dream!

" Kim Junseo! "

" Listen to me, I know you're scared of losing me because I feel the same "

" I don't wanna follow some crazy woman to who knows where she'll take me "

" But that won't stop me from loving you, Junseo "

The younger felt his eyes glistened at his words.

" Now you listen to me, okay? "

" Ne "

" Within 5 days before we leave, I want you to collect all the information you know and it worth to set me free. You hand it over to the police with the hyungs but make sure you aren't followed or spied.  Check the car for any devices and um...break your phones if you have to "

" Okay "

" Also, don't forget to be geared up and follow the police's words. I don't want anyone getting hurt, okay? "

" Yes sir!! "

Yohan chuckled at the cute reply, Junseo laughed too.

𝕃𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕃𝕚𝕖𝕤Where stories live. Discover now