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I present Chapter 13 which I don't know what to warn y'all about but who cares, let the chapter unroll~



" Hello, baby boy~ " Yohan hyung said as he pinned me to the door, " What brings you here? " he added as he leaned closer, our lips only a few cm's away. My breath became unstable as my heart pounded, " I-I came t-to check on you " I stuttered as he moved even closer. " That's cute of you but I'm really busy practicing my script so could you leave me alone for now, princess? " he said and I blushed even harder at the nickname.

" S-sure I-I'll be going now " I said, wanting to open the door when he pulled me into a kiss. My eyes widened in shock but I kissed back. I felt Yohan smirk into the kiss as he licked my bottom lip, asking for permission to enter and to which I gladly accepted. Our lips danced with each other while our tongue's fought for dominance, which Yohan obviously won. 

Yohan hyung lifted me as I wrapped my legs around his waist, not breaking the kiss. After a while, we pulled away from each other, lungs panting for breath and eyes locked on each other, I looked like a mess, my hair stuck to my forehead, my lips swollen and my cheeks were as red as a tomato. " You look cute like this, baby " he said and I blushed, hiding my face in his chest and he laughed.

I then realise my position that I was in and again became flustered, " Hyung, put me down. I'm heavy, you're gonna get hurt if you keep holding me like this " I say, trying to get off him but he tightens his grip. " Hyung, let me go. I'm hea- " I said but was cut off with a kiss, " Don't say you're heavy baby. You weight just fine to me " he said as he gave me his usual foolish smile. 

" But I- " before I could say anything, he threw on the bed and hovered over me. He shook his head and leaned close to my ear, " Don't say that okay, baby. You are perfect just the way and don't change that, alright? " he whispered and I nodded, knowing that if I said something wrong, I would be dead. Then he laughed at me and I was confused, " Great acting little bro " he said. 

ACTING?! THIS WAS AN ACT?! HE ALMOST  GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK BUT IT TURNS OUT HE USED ME FOR HIS ACT?  I screamed at myself in my head as we both sat up. " Thanks for the help little buddy, now I know how I should do the scene later on " he said, ruffling my hair. I pushed his hand away and he was shocked at my action, I frowned and sighed before getting up and walked to the door.

But before I could leave, he pulled me by my wrist and into his embrace. " Are you okay, Junseo? ", " I'm fine, now let go. I wanna go to Seokhwa, I promised to help him with something " I lied as I looked at him with a dead expression. He nodded, releasing me from his grasp and I walked out the room. Once I closed the door shut, I fell to the floor as my heart tore into thousands of pieces. 

My eyes glistened with tears, my breathing became heavy as I ran to look for my other hyungs. I ran to the kitchen to see Donghan, Yongha and Seokhwa currently talking about a few things. I quietly walked up to Donghan hyung and back hugged him, he was surprised at first but when he saw my face, he knew something was wrong. Without a word, he told Yongha to take care of me as he got up. 

" Where are you going, hyung? " I asked him, " I'm going to knock some sense into that dumb boy! " he said and I knew who he meant but before I could stop him, he disappeared from the hall way and into the 99s room. Meanwhile, Seokhwa and Yongha hyung were helping me to calm down and listened to everything. After I explained the situation, they just sighed and gritted their teeth, " I sometimes wonder if my roommate is this dumb " Yongha said and we laughed. 

A WHILE LATER (Author's pov)

It's  been a few hours since Donghan barged into the 99s room to scold Yohan, the 3 members waited patiently for Donghan's return but there was nothing. Suddenly, they heard loud sounds like stuff breaking and shattering glass. They got up and ran towards the 99s room, Yongha opened the door and the scene they saw was very scary. Both boys were slightly bruised and scarred, Donghan holding Yohan by his collar as the other tried to break free. 

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