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The next morning

The members, manager and police gathered at the station to discuss their next moves. Some suggested that artists stay behind and let the police save him but the members protested.

" No, Yohan told me that he wants all of us to save him. Not just you and not just us, he wants all of us "

" Why? What's the motive? "

" I don't know but I think he wants to show that he's not lying "

" Of course, he's not lying. We got all the proof we need "

" That's not what I meant. What I was saying was- "

" The kid has a point, his friend wanted everyone to come and see for themselves whether he's telling the truth or playing the game "

" Sir, you can't seriously believe a guy who just says that randomly "

" Hey- "

Seokhwa wanted to protest but was pulled back by Yongha. The older made a shush gesture, telling him not to interfere with them.

" As I was saying, we can't risk anyone anymore "

" We'll follow all you commands "

Daehyeon suggested, they all went silent. 

" I understand the job is easy and you don't want to risk anymore lives than it already did. But the victim is my member, my brother from another mother. He's practically family and I'd do anything and sacrifice myself to save my members. As the leader and oldest, I hope you let us join the journey " 

Daehyeon mentioned and the head of the police department looked at him. He sighed and had to make a decision. The members looked at their hyung, they were touched by his words. Daehyeon's ears grew red cause he was shy of what he said. 

Donghan had a proud smile plastered on his face, his boyfriend was good at words and knew that he meant well. 

" I accept, I'll let you join us " 

The boss said, all gasped shocked. The assistant looked at him confused.

" Sir, are you crazy? What if- "

" But, you will apply to all rules and won't let your emotions get to you. Especially you, young boy " 

He pointed to Junseo. Although the man didn't know him, he had a feeling that something would happen and it was never wrong. 

Junseo just nodded and averted his gaze from the man because he was scared. Donghan patted his head, reassuring him. 

" Alright, the police will search for his location first. Once we find the place, we'll contact you. Got it? " 

The members nodded and thanked the police for their service. Once the members left, the assistant came up and asked the boss lots of questions. 

" Why are you worried that some kid will ruin the plan? "

" Not ruin, I never said ruin " 

" Then? " 

" I don't want anyone to get hurt by blindly saving the boy. I know that this Yohan kid means more to the small boy than we think " 

" I see, would you like me to watch over him? " 

" That would be for the best " 

" Yes, sir! " 

Later at the dorm

They were all sat in the living room. The mood was cold since Daehyeon had a serious and cold expression on his face.

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