"Better be, he put up a pretty good fight," Keigo said sarcastically, waving his hand in the air to reveal a cut on his palm. Touya chuckled at that and despite their situation, Eli had half a mind to take his hand in hers.

For no known reason, other than she wanted to.

"Let's wake him and find out then shall we," Eli clapped her hands, snapping herself back into it before she nodded at Touya. He nodded and left the room briefly and in a few minutes came back with a pitcher of water.

Reaching into her utility belt, she pulled a small gray device from her side with a rounded black button. She only smiled at it before looking straight at the nodding man before them and throwing the pitcher of water at his face... pitcher and all.

The man jolted away, screaming in pain pulled away from the restraints on his torso, arms, and legs. Touya chuckled at the sight.

"Don't tell me you warmed up the water," Keigo said with a sigh only to see Touya smirk and wink at him.

Eli didn't say anything as she watched the man come alive, blinking rapidly as he sat panting around the cloth in his mouth.

"Oh, let me get that for you," Eli said, moving the cloth from his mouth.

The man coughed loudly and breathed harshly as he looked around panicked, his eyes instantly stopping as he saw the three before him.

He instantly recognized 2 of the 3.

"K-kinetic... Dabi... w-wHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" the man began to yell as he pulled harder against his restraints.

"Yu Hojo is it?" Eli asked simply.

The man stilled at the mention of his name. He was supposed to be dead, just another missing kid on the streets they never found, only the Hassaika was supposed to know his real name. The man grit his teeth and glared before he stilled only slightly.

He felt around for the power his Quirk gave him, feeling it. He stared at Eli with hard eyes before he smirked and an iridescent crystal shot from his fingertips.

Touya and Keigo sighed, shaking their heads.

Eli wasted no time in shooting her hand forward to grab his wrist. The man grunted in pain, probably from the beating Keigo had given him earlier, but that moment gave Eli all she needed.

She slapped away the crystal, leaving it to hit the wall and shatter before she applied pressure to his wrist. She gave him a look, a knowing look, but all the man did was glare.

Eli almost felt bad for the guy.

She let go of his wrist briefly, making the man pant in confusion before her hand shot towards his neck. She sneered to herself as she pushed her strength into her arm, lifting the chair just a bit before slamming him and the chair to the floor, breaking the back legs and back of the chair.

The man groaned from the impact, rolling over just a bit to alleviate the pain in his back as Eli just walked a bit to the side, squatting down to meet his eyes this time.

"I take it that you now realize the situation you're in hmm?" she asked.

The man could only quiver in fear and pain as he stared at her with fearful eyes.

"Look at you, you're so scared. Now if you're scared, imagine how scared a little girl would be," Eli said easily, getting to the chase almost instantly.

She didn't have to elaborate and she knew she didn't once the man froze in his place. They knew this was a man who held the information they wanted, for he was in the pictures Shouta had given them. And from the pictures alone, the three of them could tell that this Yu Hojo was a part of Kai Chisaki's inner circle.

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