Chapter 4- Break Up's

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*Mias p.o.v*

Stretching out my arms, I let out a yawn checking my phone it was 9 in the morning fuck! I was supposed to be at the dance studio half hour ago when did I even make it up to bed anyway? last thing I remember was falling asleep on the couch.

Quickly jumping out of my bed I ran to the bathroom threw my hair into a pony tail didn't bother with my contacts today and put my glasses on running back to my room I put my dance clothes on, grabbed my bag quickly running out the door

"mom!" I yelled down the stairs there was no response but a note on the counter saying they went out to get some food

"urg!" I said, I need a car! running out the door I locked it quickly and just started running to the studio its not to far away from here if I run 15 minutes tops

Once I got there I tried catching my breath than went to studio A, they were already started the routine once I walked in everyone stopped and looked at me

"Mia, your late by an hour" the coach said

"I know I'm sorry my alarm didn't go off and I had to run here"

"don't let it happen again"

nodding my head I got into the line up I'm going to have to bust my ass at this practice to show him I do mean business

When practice was over I decided to stay longer sense I did miss an hour and thats not like me so I need to make up for it, half way threw the dance I was working on the coach came in and watched me for a bit until I was done the solo

"Mia" he said, stopping I just looked at him heavy breathing I grabbed my water and walked up to him saying "yes?"

"you can go home now you know practice is over" he laughed

"I know but I missed an hour so thought I should make up for it"

"well not very many of this team would do that, I see your dedication to this team more than I see some of the dedication I see from some of the people that have been on my team for years so thank you"

"no need to thank me" I smiled

"well go home, relax next practice is on tuesday so theres a couple of days off"

"is the studio open usually when theres no practice?" i asked

"sometimes yes"

"okay, thank you" I said grabbing my bag

"see you tuesday" he said as I was walking out the door

"see you tuesday!" I smiled pulling out my phone and head phones as I was about to select a song my phone went off and Justin's name flashed across the screen

Justin: Where you at Edward's

Me: Walking home from practice where you at Bieber

hitting send I walked out the doors and started walking home playing Confident by Justin

Justin: Hurry up, Mitchell is fucking Cassidy and this is awkward as fuck for me being here so I'm kinda just chilling on the front steps of your house lol

Me: I really didn't need to know that but be there in 15 minutes

Justin: I'll be waiting :P

not replying I slipped my phone in my pocket and continued walking home

walking down my street there was a big group of paparazzi of course, our house has been surrounded its honestly pretty annoying like there taking pictures of me I'm not even famous heck im not even dating Justin! Im just a friend.

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