Chapter 1- Leaving

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*Mia's p.o.v*

"Mia hurry up were going to miss your flight" my aunt yelled up the stairs "coming" I said back shortly

Today I'm flying to la to be with my parents twin brother and little sister, I've been living with my aunt for the past year to finish school with my friends as my parents moved to la for my dad's job, I didn't want to leave my friends or my dance studio so my parents and I made a deal I could finish school here once I was done I come out to la and live with them

Who am I? I'm Mia Edwards. 19 years old I live in London England I'm a dancer, that's probably the one thing I know I'm good at and I'm confident with I started dancing when I was 4 my parents put me in a ballet class not expecting me to become a dancer, I've won many dance competitions with my team I always get chosen for female soloist, leaving my dance studio I've been dancing at sense I was 4 was and am one of the couches for the younger aged kids is probably the hardest thing for me to do.. I made it into a major dance studio in la which I'm excited for but it won't be the same

Grabbing the last bit of my things I walked down the stairs to my aunt standing at the front door
"ready?" she asked nodding my head i walk out of the front door to the car placing my bags in the trunk

"Mia, cheer up sweetie it's not like it's your last time being here" my aunt said "I know but still I just don't want to go.. I have my dance studio my friends and what about Adam?"

Adams my boyfriend who I've been dating for a year and half that's another thing I'm not looking forward to long distance relationship? Yeah not going to be easy but we said we would try to make it work

"You'll be at your new dance studio which your going to do amazing in, and Adam and you will make things work everything's going to be fine" she said warmly smiling
"I guess so" I said as I climbed into the car

I said bye to Adam and all my friends yesterday, they threw a little going away party there was both laughing and tears my best friend Megan was extremely hard to say bye to as well this is all just going to be such a big change and honestly I hate change I'm the kind of girl who likes things just how they are, don't get me wrong I can't wait to be with my parents, brother and sister but it's leaving home that I hate.


Once the plane landed, the flight attendant said it was alright to get off the plane I grabbed my carry on and walked off going to the gate, once I was out I looked around for my parents balloons and a sign caught my eye and when I looked it was my family, looking at the other side of the air port their was a big group of screaming girls not thinking anything of it I just went and walked to my family

my twin brother Mitchell hugged me tight picking me off the ground even with us being twins he's still like a foot taller than me
"hey" I laughed hugging him back "I've missed my twin and you've missed so much! La is way better than England"
"well guess I'll have to see" I laughed

Hugging my parents, than my little sister Sarah who's 12 we waited for my bags while we were waiting I asked Mitchell what the group of girls was about

"Justin Bieber duh, which I'm going to have to ditch you for a bit so I can go see him" he said

Oh yeah my brothers one of Justin Bieber's best friends they met about a year and a half ago when Mitch got an in-turn ship at the studio Justin's records at, guess I should have guessed that's what a big group of screaming girls would be about in la

"Your really going to ditch your twin that you haven't seen in like 7 months for one of your friends?" I laughed "well no you can come with us he wants to meet you"
I nodded my head saying alright

Honestly I'm a bit nervous to be meeting Justin Bieber and he wants to meet me!?... Not going to lie I'm going to have to try and not have a fan girl moment sense he is one of my brothers best friends, Megan and I had twitter accounts dedicated to him posters all over our room and we went to the my world tour together and the believe tour, once we found out Mitchell met him and they became friends we thought maybe we should tone our selfs down and not fan girl over my brothers friend, I still listen to his music everyday and I find him extremely attractive I mean who wouldn't?

Straightening out my hair and outfit so I didn't look terrible, I waited for my bags slightly zoning out

"Mia hey" Mitchell said waving his hand in front of my face
"mm yeah?"
"mom and dad are meeting us at home I have my car, Justin's out front let's go"

Grabbing my bags I followed Mitchell not knowing where I was going
"where are we going exactly?" I asked "to where Justin is"
nodding my head I didn't say anything and just followed him

Walking and looking threw my phone I texted Adam and Megan letting them know I was here and that I'd call them soon, not knowing if they were even up sense the time zones are ridiculous between us

"Mia this is Justin, Justin this is my twin sister Mia" Mitchell said

Looking up not realizing that Justin was standing right in front of me I kinda froze

"Hey" Justin smiled
"oh um hey" I said stuttering
"I've heard a lot about you" Justin chuckled, tucking my bangs behind my ear I just kinda laughed I couldn't help but just stare at him me Mia is standing and talking to Justin Bieber I've imagined this moment and me playing it off cool like it was no big deal but it totally is


okay, so thats the first chapter its a bit short chapters will get longer. I haven't written in a while so I hope you like it let me know you're thoughts either by commenting or tweeting me @justinnftgrande

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