Chapter 3- Troubles?

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*Mia's p.o.v*

It's been a week sense I've been here in LA and honestly I'm starting to really love it, being with my family again is amazing, yes I miss Megan and Adam and of course my dance studio but my new dance studio is absolutely amazing along with the friends I've been making they are all great people

Tonight I'm going out with Mitchell, his girlfriend, Ryan and his girlfriend along with Justin were going to the movies which should be fun Justin and I are kinda the odd ones out sense well we aren't dating obviously and were just kinda tagging along with the couples, over the past week I've gotten super close with Justin he's so outgoing and fun spirited he's just great to be around nothing like how the media portrays him to be

Getting my self ready my phone started ringing and Adams name flashed across the screen
"babeee!" He yelled "Adam?" I said
"I miss you sooo much baby come home I need you"
"Adam your drunk I'm guessing?" I said looking at the time it was 1 in the morning for him
"me drunk? Nooo"
"uh huh" I said

"Baby I really fucking need you like I need to get laid" he said slurring his speech
"well I can't just fly to England to fuck you and come back here Adam" I said with an annoyed voice he knows I hate when he drinks and gets drunk honestly I just don't have the patients for drunk people boyfriend or not

"But please babe fuck I'm so hard for you"
"goodbye Adam" I said shortly
"no wait!" He said
"no you know I don't like when your drunk goodbye love you" I said and hung up the phone

"Boyfriend troubles?" I heard somebody say from behind me, turning around it was Justin leaning against my door frame
"he's just drunk and I don't have the patients for it, in all honestly" "understandable, well I was just about to go for some dinner before we head to the movies, I was coming to ask Mitchell but he was uh busy.."
"so I was wondering if maybe you'd want to tag along?" He asked

"Oh second pick ouch can't get the other twin so you go for this one" I said jokingly
"what no? Honestly I want you to come with me I was just-"

"Justin" I laughed "relax I'm kidding, yes I'll come with you just let me finish getting ready"
"ok I'll wait for you in the living room" he laughed
"you can chill in here if you want" I said nodding his head he went and sat on the chair and I went into the bathroom quickly finishing getting my self ready

Once I was done I walked out of the bathroom Justin was scrolling threw his phone

"ready?" I asked
"ready" he said nodding his head and getting up

"Where we going?" I asked as we walked out the front door
"I really want McDonald's.." Justin said laughing
"sounds good to me!"
"who's car mine or yours?"
"well I don't have a car here"
"oh alright mine it is" he said climbing into his leopard print Lamborghini

Climbing into the passenger seat I looked around the car just thinking wow.. it's so strange being in this car sense I've always seen pictures of him driving it and now I'm in it?

"What are you thinking?" Justin asked as he pulled out of the drive way
"it's just strange being in here" I said awkwardly laughing
"whys that?"
"I just always see the pictures of you driving in this car and now I'm in it with you" I said

"you haven't told me were you or are you a belieber Mia" he asked

I laughed than said "well does going to both your tours, having posters of you all over my room, having a twitter account dedicated to you, staying out side your hotel just to get a glimpse of you mean I was a belieber than yes"

"Why was?" He asked
"once I found out my brother was friends with you I figured I should tone my self down and not be fan girling over my brothers friend because that would be weird"
"oh" he said laughing

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