Chapter 12

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Darek jolted awake, suspended 20 feet in the air. Darek struggled but didn't move, he couldn't even move his jaw. Its magic, realized Darek.

"Nice to see you again, Darek." Said a familiar, sadistic voice. An unseen force seemed to let go of Darek letting him free fell to the ground. Darek managed to land safely in a crouch. Darek reached for his sword, but of course, it wasn't there.

"Where am I." yelled Darek, into the blackness. A single lantern lit up at the far end of a hallway. Suddenly Darek could walk, and he started walking torward the light. He got a few feet away from it and it winked out. a voice boomed ahead of Darek.

"In the end, it will be you or me. Death, or life beyond." 2 large eyes opened about 20 feet ahead of Darek. The eyes backed away, staring coldly at Darek, until they disappeared in the distance. Darek stepped forward and the ground fell away and everything went black.

A voice snapped Darek back awake.

"DAREK!" yelled Elissa in a panicked voice. Darek sat up quickly and looked down a long black hallway. Elissa was being held down with one paw from a chimera. Darek started running torward Elissa when the snake sprayed Elissa with poison vapor.

"This is a nightmare." cried out Darek. Almost on cue, the chimera roared, bringing Darek back to reality.

Darek woke, being carried through the forest, wrapped in coils of big snake. The chimera had just finished roaring, and was dashing farther and farther from the kingdom. Darek wiggled his hand to his side, a knife was still strapped to his hip. Darek managed to pull the knife out. As he did so the snake wheeled around Darek to look at him. Darek lunged his arm forward and stuck the knife under its jaw. The snake went limp and the lion roared in pain and tripped. Darek tucked and rolled, landing safely. Darek looked back, he could see the walls, they were only a few miles away. He could hear the battle from here.

The lion started to get up so Darek sprinted for the gates. He ran until he found a road. It connected to the road that lead to the gate. Darek ran up the path when the chimera crashed out of the tree's behind him. There were monsters everywhere and the chimera was gaining on Darek. Darek passed a dead soldier and took the sword from his grasp. Darek turned and ran through the trees, arriving at the gate quicker. Darek dashed between a Cyclops's legs and dodged a clumsy stab from a shadow. Darek looked back and the chimera had pushed past the Cyclops and was crashing through the crowd of monsters. Some archers on the roofs shot the chimera, but didn't help at all. Darek ran farther up the street, but got stopped by a group of hobgoblins.

Darek ran left into a side street. the hobgoblins gave pursuit, but got squished by the chimera.This thing doesn't know when to quit, thought Darek. Darek dashed past soldiers and monsters, trying to evade the chimera. Darek ran down his old street. Darek passed the charred remains of the orphanage. it only brought up bad memories, but Darek shook the feeling and kept running. He ran and weaved his way through the alleys and found himself at the town square, where he'd been dragged off. The soldiers were still fighting. Darek ran in and dispatched a group of hobgoblins with magic. The chimera crashed into the square, and the soldiers decided it would be best if they helped, and they lunged at the chimera. after an intense two minutes, the chimera was dead.Darek raised his sword above his head.

"Fall back! Fall back to the palace!" yelled Darek. The soldiers started retreating, but held their defensive line against the monsters who caught up. Darek stayed in the square. He pulled out a small vial of blue liquid. H uncorked it and downed it all in one big gulp. Darek felt Osiris's concoction revitalize him. Darek looked up as multiple goblins, harpies, direwolves, and shadows moved torward Darek with alarming speed. Darek took a deep breath, getting ready for a really complex spell.

"Doma-Diol-Skol-Telos-Ariak-Guvi" Hummed Darek. The shadows dissolved, the goblins turned to dust, so did the direwolves and the harpies. The Cyclops twitched and collapsed. Darek turned around and Osiris, Daryl and Elissa were running torward him. Darek tried not to move, so he didn't pass out from exhaustion.

"Your alive!" said Elissa, beaming. Soldiers ran by Darek to guard them from approaching monsters.

"More already?" started Darek.

"There coming from everywhere Darek. The monsters just poured into the city once you got dragged out." replied Osiris. A Cyclops was coming torwards the group.

"Lets get to the palace remains, before we're all killed." Said Daryl blankly.


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